Sprained Ankles Can Lead to RSD

Sprained Ankle RSD

Sprained Ankles Can Lead to RSD

I’m Ed Smith, an RSD attorney in Sacramento. Almost everyone has sustained some sort of minor injury at some point in their life. For some, it may have been a slip and fall that led to a bruise. For others, it could have been a scraped knee on the sidewalk while playing sports. Another (typically) minor injury that people often sustain is a sprained ankle. A sprained ankle is the term given when someone injures the ligaments of their ankle without causing a severe tear. There are many ways that someone can sprain their ankle, including rolling their ankle while playing sports or stepping in a hole while running. While most people typically recover from a sprained ankle with rest, ice, compression, and elevation, a recent case report was published describing someone who developed a severe condition called Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD), also known as Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS), from their injury.

A Case Report: A Sprained Ankle Can Lead to RSD

A case report was published describing a young woman who worked a full-time job that involved her being on her feet for most of the day. Unfortunately, she had an accident where she sprained her ankle. She tried to continue working her shifts, trying to manage as best as she could. She was on crutches; however, the floor was slippery and eventually, she fell again. This time, the fall was so severe that she had to miss work, regardless of how she felt. As the weeks passed by, she began to struggle. She was missing work, not getting paid, and in intense pain. The young woman was having trouble taking care of not only herself but also her family. She was experiencing a variety of different symptoms, including:

  • Intense, burning pain with any physical contact
  • Swelling of the ankle and foot
  • A significant loss of mobility and range of motion

Eventually, she went to go and see a doctor for help figuring out what was going on. She was eventually diagnosed with Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD), a severe nerve disease that causes many of the symptoms described above.

What to Do if Diagnosed with Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD)

After receiving her diagnosis, the young woman tried a variety of different treatments. For someone diagnosed with RSD, the treatments could include:

  • Pain medications to try and alleviate the symptoms
  • Sympathetic nerve blocks to calm the inflamed nerves
  • Transections of the affected nerves called a sympathectomy

Unfortunately for the young woman above, the symptoms never completely disappeared. Every day continues to be a struggle as she tries to cope with the disease and her diagnosis; however, her story is not unique. There are millions of people out there who struggle with RSD and similar conditions that are accompanied by chronic pain. It is imperative for everyone, including their families, to know that there is help available. In tough situations, it is a good idea to sit down and speak with an experienced RSD attorney in Sacramento. Families can meet with a professional and review all of the options available to them. This could lead to a significant improvement in their quality of life.

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Contact an Experienced RSD Attorney in Sacramento

I’m Ed Smith, an RSD Lawyer in Sacramento. RSD claims require an experienced Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Attorney. I have handled many RSD cases successfully. These cases have led to fair and just compensation for the injured person. If you have been hurt by another’s negligence and your injury has resulted in RSD, please reach out to me today at (916) 382-0693. I can provide you with free, friendly legal advice concerning your potential claim.

Feel free to look at my sample results here.

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