Emotional Issues Related to RSD

Emotional Issues Related to RSD

Emotional Issues Related to RSD

I’m Ed Smith, an RSD Lawyer in Sacramento. Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD), commonly referred to as Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS), is a very complex disease that is often overlooked by the mental health community. Many don’t realize that this is a devastating disease. It impacts millions of people all over the world. The disease is often triggered by a traumatic event that can range in severity from the smallest scratch to the largest of car accidents. This trauma damages the nerves in an area of a person’s body and causes the nerves to misfire. This can lead to a variety of symptoms, most notably chronic pain, that can be difficult for someone with RSD to manage. According to studies published in the PubMed database:

  • RSD can impact anyone from elementary school children all the way into adulthood
  • The most common age for people to be diagnosed with RSD is around 30 years old
  • The number of people living with RSD in the United States has been estimated to be between 1.5 and 6 million
  • RSD is more common in women than in men

The medical issues related to RSD such as the chronic pain, changes in nail growth, and issues related to hair texture can be debilitating; however, the mental health problems are not to be overlooked. These can be just as challenging for individuals to manage and can impact their families as well.

Mental Health Issues and RSD

Because of the chronic pain that people with RSD have to manage, their quality of life can be significantly decreased. This comes from the inability to go to work, attend school, and provide for their family. Furthermore, individuals with RSD may even feel like they are a burden on their family. According to a recent study of individuals dealing with RSD published in Investigative Psychiatry:

  • People with RSD attempt suicide at a rate that is significantly higher than the general population
  • Of people with RSD, about 30 percent of individuals have thoughts of committing suicide
  • Around 10 percent of these individuals have attempted to commit suicide
  • The vast majority of individuals with RSD have symptoms of depression

These numbers are heartbreaking and should clearly demonstrate that living with RSD can cause a variety of mental health issues. These emotional problems can significantly impact the individual and their loved ones, which is why seeking professional care is important.

Seeking Professional Care

There is a significant shortage of mental health professionals in this country; however, individuals with RSD should see their primary care provider for a referral to a mental health professional. Even if it seems as though they feel “fine,” it can still be beneficial. It can help blunt some of the quality of life issues related to RSD and may be able to prevent the development of depressive symptoms. A mental health professional has both medication and non-medication therapies that can prove helpful in the management of a chronic disease. The most effective way to manage mental health disorders is to prevent them from taking root in the first place. A trained medical provider can help make this a reality.

Help from a Legal Professional

The emotional issues related to RSD are not to be overlooked. It can lead to mental health issues in not only the affected individual but also their family and friends. These rifts can make it hard to keep a household functioning and damage relationships with loved ones. For help in times such as these, meeting with a seasoned RSD lawyer in Sacramento can be helpful. You may have trouble figuring out how to find the lawyer that is right for you. This is normal. The most important thing to remember is that you should find a lawyer who understands your problems, your needs, and can effectively place you in the right position to be successful. Please, call me today if you would like to learn more.

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reach out to an Experienced RSD Attorney in Sacramento

I’m Ed Smith, an RSD Lawyer in Sacramento. If you have been injured due to another person’s negligence and that injury resulted in RSD, please give me a call at (916) 382-0693. I would be happy to share free, friendly legal advice.

Check out my sample results here. This will give you an idea about some of the outcomes I have obtained for my past clients.

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