Virtual Reality in the Treatment of RSD

Virtual Reality in the Treatment of RSD

Virtual Reality in the Treatment of RSD

Chronic pain is one of the most common medical complaints that doctors see. Those who live with chronic pain can have difficulty getting out of bed in the morning, walking up and down stairs, and even staying in school or keeping a job. While many people with chronic pain may feel like they are alone, the reality is that millions of people across the country deal with chronic pain on a regular basis. A study that was published by the American Pain Society shows that:

  • About 50 million people in the United States suffer from either severe or chronic pain
  • Half of these people reported that their pain was chronic and the other half reported that their pain was severe
  • About 50 percent of these individuals reported that their pain was well-controlled or improving

Clearly, chronic pain is a common problem. It is more common than obesity, cancer, heart disease, or diabetes. Because of this, it is important to understand where the chronic pain comes from. One of the diseases that can lead to chronic pain is called Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD), also known as Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS). With this disease, people suffer from severe, intractable pain in one or more of their limbs. This typically starts after a traumatic accident that leads to severe damage to the nerves that run through this limb. The pain from RSD can be severe, and people should know about the various treatment options available to them.

Treatment Options for RSD

When someone has been diagnosed with RSD, they are likely to experience a wide variety of symptoms. Many people describe the pain as a shooting, stabbing, shock-like, or burning sensation. They may also undergo changes in the texture of their skin and nails in addition to describing changes in the temperature of the affected area. Because the symptoms can vary so widely from person to person, there are also different treatment options available. Examples include:

  • Anti-inflammatory medications, such as Tylenol and Motrin
  • Opioid or narcotic medications, such as Vicodin, Oxycontin, or Percocet
  • Nerve blocks or injections directly into large bundles of nerves that feed the affected limb using medications such as lidocaine
  • Nerve transections, where the nerves are surgically cut to remove all signaling between the limb and the brain

Unfortunately, all of these treatments have their side effects. Opioid medications can lead to addictive behavior which might lead to an overdose. Nerve blocks and transections also carry their risks, such as permanent numbness or loss of function of the limb itself. Because all of these treatments have side effects, research is being done to open up new treatment options. One possible example involves new virtual reality technology.

Virtual Reality can be Used in the Treatment of RSD

Recently, a team of research professionals published a new study exploring the possible use of virtual reality in the treatment of RSD. In this study, the researchers took two dozen patients with RSD and compared them to two dozen individuals who were otherwise healthy. They placed these individuals in a completely immersive virtual reality environment. Then, the individuals were shown imaging of their affected limb in the virtual world in real time. The researchers then made the affected limb flash in rhythm with the patient’s heartbeat. The heartbeat was measured using medical equipment. The researchers subsequently asked the individuals to rate their pain before and after several trips into this VR field.

The results of the study showed that this heartbeat-enhanced world of virtual reality led to significant improvements in the pain ratings of the individuals with RSD. Furthermore, the VR field also led to an improved motor function of the affected limb. These improvements were also not seen in the healthy control group, showing that the improvement was likely due to the virtual reality field. There was no placebo effect seen. This study shows that virtual reality, while still in the early phases, may prove promising as an effective treatment method for individuals with RSD.

Based on this information, it should be clear that individuals with RSD can experience severe symptoms that have a large impact on their quality of life. They can have difficulty sticking to their daily routine which can fracture relationships with their family and friends. Because of this, families should meet with an experienced RSD attorney in Sacramento. It is important to look at every detail because you and your loved ones may be entitled to financial compensation.

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Contact an Experienced RSD Attorney in Sacramento

I’m Ed Smith, an RSD Lawyer in Sacramento. If someone you know is looking for new treatment options for Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy, please call me at 916-382-0693. I am available to provide callers with free and friendly legal advice.

Everyone is asked to look at my sample results here.

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