Bisphosphonates in the Treatment of RSD

Bisphosphonates in the Treatment of RSD

Bisphosphonates in the Treatment of RSD

Chronic pain is one of the most pressing issues facing the modern healthcare system today. There are several causes as to why people can suffer from chronic pain; however, one of the more severe conditions is Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD), commonly known as Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS). Sadly, people who suffer from chronic pain typically have some kind of quality of life issue. Examples include:

  • The inability to enjoy the activities that they previously engaged in
  • Problems going to work on a regular basis
  • Issues performing activities around the house
  • Feeling a stigma that surrounds people who suffer from chronic pain

Unfortunately, much of the treatment that is available for people who suffer from chronic pain have some negative side effects. One of the first-line options is narcotic medications, such as Vicodin and Percocet. Over time, these medications can become addictive, and individuals who use them regularly can become dependent on them. Some of the statistics published by the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) include:

  • In the year 2015, over 20 million Americans suffered from an addiction disorder of some kind
  • About 2 million of these individuals struggled with an addiction to prescription pain relievers
  • Close to 600,000 of these people subsequently became addicted to heroin
  • About a quarter of people who use heroin will subsequently develop an addiction to pain medications
  • More than 50,000 people died in 2015 from a drug overdose related to pain-relieving medications
  • In the past ten years, the number of overdose deaths has quadrupled

These numbers demonstrate just how severe the opioid addiction epidemic is in this country. Because of these numbers, researchers have been working hard to find alternative pain treatment options for individuals who suffer from chronic pain, like that from RSD. Recently, research papers have been published demonstrating that bisphosphonates may be an effective treatment option for people with RSD. Just how do these work?

What are Bisphosphonates?

Bisphosphonates are a class of medication that is primarily used to treat osteoporosis. When someone has been diagnosed with osteoporosis, they have a significantly lower bone density than the average person. Because of a lower bone density, it is easier for these individuals to sustain bone fractures. This class of medication reduces the activity of cells that break down bone tissue. Therefore, they strengthen the bone by helping to keep calcium inside of the bones where it provides support. Some of the side effects include lower levels of calcium in the blood, aches, and pains, and some digestive issues. Now, this class of medication has been showing effectiveness in the treatment of RSD.

Bisphosphonates in the Treatment of RSD

Recently, a research paper was published exploring the use of bisphosphonates in the treatment of RSD. Even though osteoporosis has never been tied to RSD, many individuals with RSD describe their pain as coming from their bones. Therefore, a clinical review was conducted to try and find a link between bisphosphonates and RSD. In multiple controlled trials, patients with RSD were given various bisphosphonate medications. During the course of the trial, individuals noted that their pain was significantly reduced. Based on this evidence, individuals with RSD should speak with their medical providers about the potential use of bisphosphonates in the treatment of RSD. It could prove effective at providing some much-needed pain relief.

Ultimately, those who live with RSD are dealing with a serious disease that can create a massive impact on someone’s quality of life. There are treatment options available and it is important to explore all options. Furthermore, it is also a good idea to meet with an RSD attorney in Sacramento. It is important to fully investigate any traumatic accident that might have preceded this diagnosis.

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Contact an Experienced RSD Attorney in Sacramento

I’m Ed Smith, an RSD Lawyer in Sacramento. If someone you know is looking for help dealing with a diagnosis of Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy, please call me at (916) 382-0693. I am happy to provide you with some free, friendly legal advice.

Everyone is asked to look at my sample results here.

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