Spinal Cord Stimulation Surgery can Treat RSD

Spinal Cord Stimulation Surgery can Treat

Spinal Cord Stimulation Surgery can Treat RSD

Over the past few decades, a significant amount of money has been poured into the healthcare field to develop new treatment options for deadly diseases. While new discoveries have been made, some problems, like chronic pain, continue to persist despite the best efforts. People who struggle with chronic pain often develop significant complications, such as mental health disorders, because of poorly managed symptoms. Recently, some eye-opening statistics were published by the American Academy of Pain Medicine (AAPM). This organization of medical professionals released a survey that showed:

  • Among individuals who live with chronic pain, 20 percent have taken disability leave from work
  • Another 13 percent have had to change where they live to accommodate their symptoms
  • More than two-thirds of people visit a doctor regularly for the sole purpose of treating their pain
  • Almost half of the people surveyed reported having to visit a pain specialist for help managing their symptoms
  • The vast majority of people surveyed reported that they would be willing to pay an extra dollar per week in taxes that went to the sole purpose of looking for new pain treatment options

Fortunately, for the people who suffer from chronic pain, new treatment options might be just around the corner. One of the many diseases that cause chronic pain is called Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD), which is also called Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS). This disease is often diagnosed after a traumatic accident and can cause some of the worst pain ever reported in the medical literature. Now, there might be a new treatment option.

An Overview: Current Treatment Options for People Living with RSD

Individuals who are living with RSD have several different treatment options to consider. Some of the common examples include:

  • Anti-inflammatory medications, such as Tylenol and Ibuprofen
  • Opioid and narcotic medications, such as Vicodin, Percocet, Oxycontin, and Hydrocodone
  • Nerve blocks with analgesic medication that is used to target problem nerves
  • Nerve transections that can cut problematic nerves and stop them from signaling altogether

While these treatment options can be helpful, they may not be 100 percent effective at removing people’s pain. For this reason, new treatment options are being developed. One example is called spinal cord stimulation.

Can Spinal Cord Stimulation be Used to Treat RSD?

For individuals with RSD, experimental treatments are being developed regularly. One example of a new treatment option is called spinal cord stimulation. For those who may not know, the spinal cord carries nerves from the brain to every other cell in the body. Damage to the spinal cord can lead to paralysis. On the other hand, this also means that nerve signals to all of the limbs could be modulated from the spinal cord. This is the goal of a spinal cord stimulator. This device is implanted by a trained neurosurgeon or orthopedic surgeon in the spine of the patient. This device uses electrical signals to control the signals of the targeted nerves. A thin wire travels from this device, implanted just under the surface of the skin, to the nerves which have been damaged by RSD. In this fashion, electrical signals can be used to prevent problematic nerves from transmitting painful signals to the brain, alleviating symptoms of RSD. This is one example of a new treatment that can provide hope to those who struggle with chronic pain from RSD.

For people who struggle with chronic pain, such as that of RSD, may feel like there is no hope. On the other hand, there are new treatment options, such as spinal cord stimulation, coming out regularly. In addition to looking for medical help, meeting with a compassionate RSD attorney in Sacramento can make a difference. A trained legal professional knows how to look at an accident from every angle and ensure that no option is overlooked.

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Contact an Experienced RSD Attorney in Sacramento

I’m Ed Smith, an RSD Lawyer in Sacramento. If someone you know has been looking for new treatment options for Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy, please call me at 916-382-0693. I am available to provide friendly, free legal advice.

Everyone is asked to look at my sample results here.

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