Thermography in the Diagnosis of RSD

Thermography in the Diagnosis of RSD

Thermography in the Diagnosis of RSD

Thermography in the Diagnosis of RSD. Chronic pain is a terrible illness that can deprive people of all happiness. Unfortunately, this can also extend to family members and friends, who feel helpless watching their loved one struggle. This pain can make it almost impossible for people to enjoy the activities that used to bring them a tremendous amount of happiness. Furthermore, these sentiments were echoed by a recent survey that was published by the American Academy of Pain Medicine, which showed that:

  • Greater than half of the individuals surveyed indicated that they did not believe that their pain was well-controlled
  • Close to 60 percent of those surveyed stated that they had breakthrough pain more than once per day
  • This pain severely impacted their ability to enjoy life
  • Greater than 75 percent of people surveyed experienced symptoms of depression
  • Close to this same number indicated that this pain made it difficult for them to focus at work or in school
  • Almost everyone said that their pain had impacted their ability to sleep at night at some point in the recent past

These statistics are heartbreaking and indicate that something must be done. For those who live in chronic pain stemming from Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy, their pain can be particularly severe and could leave them searching for answers. The first step in finding an effective treatment option is to diagnose this illness quickly. How is this done?

How is RSD Diagnosed?

Unfortunately, many people with RSD do not receive their diagnosis quickly. The symptoms of RSD often mimic other chronic pain disorders, which can make the diagnosis challenging. Some of the common tests include:

  • Brain scans, such as a CT scan or an MRI
  • Nerve conduction studies, such as electromyography (EMG)
  • Blood tests, such as inflammatory markers and antibodies that are indicative of an autoimmune disease

Sometimes, the diagnosis of RSD is made only after all of these tests have not led to an alternative diagnosis. Fortunately, there is another test that could help make this diagnosis more quickly.

Thermography can Help Diagnose RSD Quickly

Individuals who are dealing with RSD often have one limb that is warmer than the others. This temperature change can be incredibly debilitating for those struggling with this illness. Fortunately, this symptom could also be used to make a diagnosis of RSD more quickly. Thermography is a test that is used to measure the temperature of various parts of the body underneath the surface of the skin. By measuring the temperature of the affected extremity, medical professionals can show that the individual is exhibiting one of the hallmark, unique symptoms. This could lead to a faster diagnosis of RSD and enable people to receive treatment more quickly, helping to maximize their chances of making a recovery.

Help from a Trained Legal Adviser

When a loved one has been diagnosed with RSD, it could leave family members looking for answers. There are countless concerns that family members may have; however, some of the common ones include:

  • Has a full investigation into the circumstances of this illness been completed?
  • Is there any way that this disease could have been prevented?
  • Are there any alternative treatment options available for someone with this disease?
  • How is this going to impact our family financially?
  • Isn’t there anyone available who has experience with this process who can help us?

Under these circumstances, families need to ask for help. In this situation, meeting with an RSD attorney in Sacramento is helpful. A trained attorney knows how to help families through this unfamiliar process. You and your family may be entitled to a financial reward.

Contact an RSD Attorney in Sacramento

I’m Ed Smith, an RSD Attorney in Sacramento. If you or someone you care for has been diagnosed with serious complications from Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy, please give me a call at (916)-382-0693. I would be happy to share free, friendly advice with individuals and families who would like assistance.

I am proud to be a part of the Million Dollar Advocates Forum.

Feel free to look at our sample results here.

Please pause and visit YelpAvvo, or Google to see summaries from our past clients.

The image from the top of this page was located on Pixabay. The CC0 License grants permission to show the image here/ Thermography in the Diagnosis of RSD

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Neuromodulation as a Treatment of RSD

Neuromodulation as a Treatment of RSD

Neuromodulation as a Treatment of RSD

Neuromodulation as a Treatment of RSD. Every day, countless people live in chronic pain. This pain can take many forms. For some people, it could be pain that prevents them from getting out of bed in the morning. For others, it may make it hard for them to engage in the activities that they enjoy. Regardless of the reason, nobody should have to live in chronic pain. Unfortunately, many people do. According to some of the information that has been published by the American Academy of Pain Medicine: 

  • On a yearly basis, the total cost of health care for those who suffer from chronic pain is around $600 billion, which takes into account not only the costs related to healthcare but also the economic costs related to lost wages.
  • Greater than half of all patients who are hospitalized and subsequently pass away spend their last few days in chronic pain.
  • Around one out of every five Americans indicated that pain disrupts their sleep on a regular basis.

This information shows that chronic pain can impact people in multiple ways and for those who suffer from Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy, which is also referred to as Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, this pain can be excruciating. For this reason, it is important to understand some important points about the various treatment options that are available.

Pain Management in RSD: The Basics

When someone has received a diagnosis of RSD, it is important to take a comprehensive approach to pain management. By far, this is the biggest reason why people with RSD have issues pertaining to their quality of life. This pain can prevent them from maintaining gainful employment, going to school, or even from getting out of bed in the morning. Some of the common treatment options include NSAIDs such as acetaminophen, ibuprofen, and narcotics. Of course, these medications do have their side effects and may not provide effective symptom relief on their own. Because of this, it is important to explore alternative, novel treatment options as well.

Neuromodulation: What Is It?

Lately, neuromodulation has been mentioned as a treatment option for many different types of chronic pain, including RSD. There are a few important points for people to understand about neuromodulation, which include:

  • The brain sends and receives signals using molecules called neurotransmitters
  • Each of these neurotransmitters is different
  • Examples include glutamine, dopamine, and serotonin
  • These neurotransmitters serve different functions, helping to control the motor and sensory function of the brain
  • Neuromodulation refers to techniques that change the flow of these neurotransmitters, helping to alter the perception of various signals inside of the brain

Some of these neurotransmitters control pain, offering a potential treatment target for individuals who are struggling with RSD.

An Effective Treatment Option for RSD

There are lots of different techniques that fall under the umbrella of neuromodulation. These techniques can be a part of an effective treatment strategy for RSD. Some examples of neuromodulation include:

  • Medications that alter the number of certain neurotransmitters inside of the brain
  • Behavioral therapy to change the way that people think, which can influence the amounts of these neurotransmitters
  • Implantable devices inside of the skull that change these neurotransmitters directly

Ultimately, neuromodulation is still an active area of research, and more information is needed. Together with conventional treatment options, neuromodulation can help people with RSD manage their pain.

Help from a Trained Lawyer

When a family is struggling with RSD, it is important to understand that help is available. There are lots of questions that need to be answered, such as:

  • How exactly did I develop RSD in the first place?
  • How is this going to impact my ability to return to work or school?
  • What can my loved ones do to try and ease the burden of a chronic illness?
  • Is there any way that this could have been prevented?
  • Who is available to provide assistance during this difficult time?

Families who are in need of answers should reach out to an RSD attorney in Sacramento. A trained attorney has multiple resources that are available for families in need. Do not be nervous about asking for help because you and your family could be entitled to a financial reward.

Contact an RSD Attorney in Sacramento

I’m Ed Smith, an RSD Attorney in Sacramento. If you or a family member has been diagnosed with spinal cord problems due to Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy, please give me a call at (916)-382-0693. I would be happy to share free, friendly advice with anyone who asks.

I am proud to be a part of the Million Dollar Advocates Forum.

Feel free to look at our sample results here.

Please pause and visit YelpAvvo, or Google to see summaries from our past clients.

The image from the top of this page was located on Pixabay. The CC0 License grants permission to show the image here/ Neuromodulation as a Treatment of RSD

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Radiofrequency Rhizotomy as a Treatment of RSD

Radiofrequency Rhizotomy as a Treatment of RSD

Radiofrequency Rhizotomy as a Treatment of RSD

Radiofrequency Rhizotomy as a Treatment of RSD. Chronic pain is a debilitating illness that impacts many people all across the United States. Every day, families wake up to a loved one in chronic pain who may not be able to get out of bed, let alone go to work or attend school. This is heartbreaking and, unfortunately, it impacts more families than many people realize. Based on some of the statistics that have been put together and released by the American Academy of Pain Medicine:

  • There are more than 76 million people in the United States who mention that they have had some sort of pain that lasted more than 24 hours (this does not include acute pain)
  • This is more than one-quarter of all adults in the country
  • The age group most likely to have pain that lasts more than 24 hours are middle-aged Americans between the ages of 45 and 64
  • Furthermore, more than 25 percent of young adults between the ages of 20 and 44 report having chronic pain lasting more than 24 hours

Unfortunately, there are people who have chronic pain that lasts significantly longer than 24 hours. For some people, their pain may never completely resolve. This is the case for people who have been diagnosed with Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy. This illness is also referred to as Complex Regional Pain Syndrome. For those living with this illness, they may feel like their treatment options are limited. Fortunately, there are new treatment options available.

Novel Treatment Options: Managing Pain in RSD

The pain management process in RSD is one of the most challenging aspects of this illness. Medical management with oral medications remains the cornerstone but it is important to consider alternative approaches as well. One of these involves nerve injections, where a dose of an anesthetic is delivered directly to the nerve itself. Some of the newer options include electric nerve stimulation, where the damaged nerve actually has an electrical current delivered to try and stabilize the signals between the extremity and the brain. If this fails, some individuals even elect to try surgical approaches to improve their symptoms. Some of these newer surgical options are even targeting the spinal cord. Why is this the case?

What is Radiofrequency Rhizotomy?

For individuals living with RSD, pain signals travel from an affected limb to the brain via nerves. Along the way, these signals pass through the spinal cord. This is the target of radiofrequency ablation, also called radiofrequency rhizotomy. In this treatment:

  • The affected nerve is identified as it runs through the spinal cord
  • Using real-time imaging, the nerve is located
  • A heat source is implanted into the spine
  • This heat source generates a radiofrequency that numbs the nerve inside of the spinal cord

This treatment could prove to be an effective option for people whose pain from RSD is not controlled with medicine alone.

How Does This Help People Living with RSD?

While this procedure sounds scary, it can provide potential benefits for people living with RSD. In this disease, the pain is often intractable and conventional medications alone are not enough. The nerves in RSD are often injured and do not process signals correctly. The brain interprets these signals as pain, leading to the severe symptoms that many people living with RSD feel. This treatment method could be a part of an effective, well-rounded treatment strategy that helps people with RSD control their pain. It could even enable them to return to school or work.

Contacting a Trained Legal Adviser

Living with RSD is hard. Families may feel like people aren’t listening to their questions and concerns. Some of the common ones include:

  • How is my loved one ever going to be able to return to work or school?
  • How are we going to manage financially, especially if health insurance does not cover the cost of health care?
  • Why did this illness develop in the first place?
  • Could something have been done differently to prevent this from happening?
  • Is there anyone out there who can help us?

In the end, it is important to take a few minutes to speak with an RSD attorney in Sacramento. An experienced legal adviser has the tools necessary to help people who are in need. Your family could be entitled to a financial reward.

Contact an RSD Attorney in Sacramento

I’m Ed Smith, an RSD Attorney in Sacramento. If you or a family member has been diagnosed with chronic pain due to Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy, please give me a call at (916)-382-0693. I would be happy to share free, friendly advice with families in need.

I am proud to be a part of the Million Dollar Advocates Forum.

Feel free to look at our sample results here.

Please pause and visit YelpAvvo, or Google to see summaries from our past clients.

The image from the top of this page was located on Pixabay. The CC0 License grants permission to show the image here/ Radiofrequency Rhizotomy as a Treatment of RSD

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Behavioral Therapy for RSD

Behavioral Therapy for RSD

Behavioral Therapy for RSD

There are lots of challenges facing the modern healthcare system today. One of the most pressing is chronic pain. There are lots of reasons why someone could be suffering from chronic pain, and recent research studies have put into focus just how serious these chronic problems are. According to information that was compiled by The Good Body:

  • There are more than 100 million people in the United States who suffer from chronic pain
  • About 1 out of every ten people in the United States have felt pain on a daily basis for three months or more
  • The most common type of chronic pain that people deal with is lower back pain

These statistics are alarming and help to highlight just how big of a problem chronic pain is. Like other medical diseases, there are lots of reasons why someone could be suffering from chronic pain. An example of an extreme disorder that could cause these symptoms is called Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD), which is also called Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS). For those who may not know, this disease impacts the nerves in one or more limbs. There are lots of different ways that this chronic issue can manifest. Examples of possible symptoms include:

  • Severe pain that is often described as shock-like or shooting
  • Changes in the growth of hair or nails in the affected area
  • Possible flares that show up periodically
  • Changes in the temperature of the skin in the affected area

While it is important to tackle the pain related to RSD, it is also vital to take a well-rounded approach. There are lots of different complications that can arise that merit the attention of specialists in other areas.

Complications Related to RSD: Mental Health Issues

When someone has been diagnosed with RSD, there are mental health issues that need to be addressed. The issues related to chronic pain can create serious emotional issues such as:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Difficulty Sleeping
  • Emotional Lability
  • Problems with Relationships with Family and Friends

When someone suffers from chronic pain, their nerves can become damaged. This can lead to a re-wiring of the neurons in the brain. This can lead to personality changes that can be difficult for people to cope with and can have a negative impact on their quality of life. For this reason, seeking help from a mental health professional can be helpful. Specifically, behavioral therapy has proven to be successful for people who deal with chronic pain, such as that from RSD.

Behavioral Therapy can be Helpful

Medical professionals have recommended behavioral therapy for people who have been diagnosed with RSD. It has even proven beneficial for children. In behavioral therapy, family members and the affected individual are taught skills that can manage their pain and their stresses. Examples include:

  • Tips for managing anxiety
  • How to spot and stave off depression
  • How to notice when emotions are getting out of control
  • Identifying triggers for pain
  • Coping mechanisms for pain and emotional stresses

The importance of these skills should not be overlooked. Managing emotions, stress, and pain is important for helping people return to school and work as quickly and as effectively as possible.

Seeking Help for Issues with Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy

Ultimately, the treatment of RSD merits a well-rounded approach. This means seeking help from mental health professionals, along with medical professionals, on a regular basis. This can help to prevent the development of mental health disorders. Furthermore, it is also a good idea to meet with an experienced RSD attorney in Sacramento. An experienced legal professional should look over the case to make sure that nobody has missed any details. You and your family could be entitled to financial compensation.

Related Articles by Ed Smith

Contact an Experienced RSD Attorney in Sacramento

I’m Edward A. Smith, a Sacramento RSD Lawyer. Please reach out to me at 916-382-0693. I am available to provide you with my free, friendly legal advice about your RSD injury.

Everyone is asked to look at my sample results here.

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A Study: Where does RSD Come From?

The Budapest Criteria: Establishing a Diagnosis

A Study: Where does RSD Come From?

One of the biggest challenges facing the healthcare system today is chronic pain. This can take many forms, ranging from low back pain to headaches and even shooting pains that travel down the arms and legs. Regardless of the type of pain, these symptoms can make it challenging for someone to go to work on a regular basis, attend school, and even crawl out of bed. According to a recent study that was published in the British Journal of Pain Medicine:

  • About one out of every five adults suffers from some form of chronic pain
  • This makes chronic pain more prevalent in the world than asthma and diabetes
  • Unfortunately, fewer than 2 percent of people with chronic pain ever seek out a pain specialist
  • Most people rely on their primary care physician
  • Chronic pain costs more than 630 billion dollars annually in the United States
  • Chronic pain is an under-recognized medical condition with limited efficacious resources

Clearly, as a society, chronic pain must be managed better for the sake of everyone who suffers from it, their friends, and their family members. This starts by trying to figure out where the chronic pain comes from. One of the many different conditions that can cause someone to develop severe, recurrent, chronic pain is called Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD), which is also called Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS). Those who suffer from this disorder have severe pain that impacts one or more of their limbs and is often triggered by an initial inciting event, such as trauma. What type of injuries are caused by these traumas? A recent research study sought to explore precisely this.

A Research Study: Epidemiology and Etiologies of RSD

Recently, a research study was published in the Journal of Pain Medicine that took a look at more than 1,000 people who had been diagnosed with RSD. This was a retrospective chart review that sought to determine what types of etiologies had caused these individuals to develop RSD. According to the results of their study:

  • The most common inciting injury that led to the development of RSD was a bone fracture (close to 50 percent of all patients)
  • Muscular injuries, such as sprains, made up another quarter (25 percent) of the causes
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome was responsible in about 10 percent of cases
  • The remainder were either from surgery, other causes, or not otherwise specified

Traumatic injuries play a major role in the development of RSD. Common causes of the traumatic injuries discussed above include auto accidents, motorcycle accidents, and slip and fall injuries. No accident should ever be overlooked, and it is vital for people involved in an accident to seek medical care immediately. If the symptoms do not decrease, it could be due to the development of chronic pain from RSD. The sooner an accurate diagnosis can be made; the sooner treatment can be started.

Help from an Experienced RSD Attorney Sacramento

For those who have a loved one who suffers from RSD, they know how much of a struggle this can be. Some people have issues going to work, which can make it hard to maintain a steady income. Many others fall behind in school and have trouble catching up. The medical care is complex, the coordination of doctors’ visits is challenging, and the mountain of paperwork can make someone feel like they are drowning. For help with all of these issues, it is necessary to meet with an experienced RSD attorney in Sacramento. A trained legal professional has the tools necessary to help families in their time of need. Don’t hesitate to ask for help.

Related Articles by Ed Smith

Reach out to our RSD Lawyer in Sacramento Today

I’m Ed Smith, an RSD Attorney in Sacramento. If someone you know needs more information related to Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy, please feel free to reach out to me by calling 916-382-0693. I am here to provide free, friendly legal advice.

Everyone is asked to look at my sample results here.

Image Citation: Pixabay hosted the picture at the start of this page. The CC0 Creative Commons License has yielded permission to show it here.

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Differential Diagnosis of RSD

Differential Diagnosis of RSD

Differential Diagnosis of RSD

Among the many issues that people may see a medical provider for, chronic pain is close to the top. According to a survey released by the National Institutes of Health back in 2012, millions of people suffer from pain. Some of the important statistics from the study include:

  • About 25 million people in the United States suffer from pain on a daily basis
  • This is about 11 percent of all adults in the country
  • About 23 million people reported that their pain is severe

In the past, many people have dismissed these individuals’ complaints as minor; however, it has become clear that severe pain is a genuine issue that must be addressed. Research has shown that pain is one of the chief reasons that people seek alternative approaches to their pain. These include:

  • Yoga
  • Massage
  • Meditation

While this can be helpful, it is just as important to make sure that the pain is addressed by a trained medical provider. This starts with obtaining the proper diagnosis. One of the most severe forms of pain is from a disease known as Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD), which can be called Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS). This disease is often only diagnosed after numerous other incorrect diagnoses have been made. What are some of the other diseases that people may be diagnosed with?

Differential Diagnosis of Chronic Pain

When someone is suffering from chronic pain, there are numerous possible diagnoses that need to be considered. Many of these can look similar to each other, which is why it is important to seek help from a medical professional. Some of these diagnoses include:

Arthritis: This is one of the most common reasons why someone might suffer from chronic pain. Arthritis develops when people suffer erosions of the cartilage that is supposed to cushion their joints. When this happens, bones can rub against each other leading to serious pain.

Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy: This is a severe disease of the nerves that results from a traumatic accident of some kind. This leads to scrambling of the signals from the nerves which the brain has trouble interpreting. Sometimes, the brain interprets this as pain. The pain is often isolated to one limb and has multiple treatment options that vary in their efficacy depending on the severity of the pain.

Fibromyalgia: This disease is widespread pain throughout multiple parts of the body; however, what sets this apart is the development of other symptoms as well. Examples include mood changes, fatigue, and even memory loss. Most people report having trigger points as well.

Once a diagnosis is made, treatment can begin; however, it is important to address all of the aspects of such a devastating chronic disease. This means addressing the quality of life issues that might arise as well.

Quality of Life Issues with Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy and Chronic Pain

Individuals who live with chronic pain can have some serious quality of life issues. Examples include:

  • Having trouble attending school regularly and falling behind their peers
  • Issues related to holding a steady job, which adds to financial stress
  • The development of emotional difficulties that impacts the relationships with their peers
  • The diagnosis of mental health disorders, such as depression, which can add to the medical problems that they already have

Managing chronic pain, particularly from a severe disease such as RSD, cannot be handled alone. It is important for everyone with chronic pain, particularly that from RSD, to seek appropriate medical care. In addition, it is also a good idea to speak with an RSD lawyer in Sacramento. All of the details of the case deserve to be examined fully. You and your family could be entitled to financial compensation.

Related Articles by Ed Smith

Contact a Caring RSD Attorney in Sacramento

I’m Ed Smith, an RSD Attorney in Sacramento. If someone you know has been having trouble with their diagnosis of Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy, please call me at 916-382-0693. I am available to provide friendly, free legal advice.

Everyone is asked to look at my sample results here.

Image Sourcing: Pixabay hosted the picture at the beginning of this article. The CC0 Creative Commons License has given permission to reproduce it here.

:dr llo [cs 718]

Types of Exercises in Physical Therapy for RSD

Types of Exercises in Physical Therapy for RSD

Types of Exercises in Physical Therapy for RSD

Chronic pain is one of the most pressing issues facing the healthcare system today. Even though there has been a lot of research that has yielded new diagnosis and treatment options for individuals suffering from a wide variety of conditions, chronic pain continues to languish with regards to funding. This has led to an unprecedented number of people suffering from chronic pain. According to statistics that have been published by the American Academy of Pain Medicine:

  • In a survey published by the Academy, more than half of the individuals surveyed felt like their pain was not well-controlled
  • About 60 percent of the responses indicated that they were feeling breakthrough pain daily
  • Most people reported that this pain impacted their quality of life
  • More than three-quarters of people indicated that they were feeling symptoms of depression
  • Almost 75 percent of individuals said that their pain was impacted their ability to do their job
  • Almost everyone said that their pain made it difficult to sleep

These statistics demonstrate just how severe chronic pain can be. While some people may describe their pain as an annoying, nagging feeling in the back of their mind, many people still have pain that is so severe that they cannot even get out of bed in the morning. This can make it difficult for them to attend school, go to work, and help out around the house. There are many different reasons why someone may suffer from chronic pain, and one of these conditions is called Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD), also known as Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS). For individuals with this disease, their pain can be so severe that they may feel like there is no hope for recovery; however, with a well-structured treatment plan, they can get their pain under control and improve their quality of life.

An Overview: Balanced Treatment of RSD

The treatment of RSD can be challenging and is dependent on a balanced treatment approach. Because the disease is a multi-faceted challenge, the treatment should be well-rounded as well. Some of the potential treatment options include:

  • Medications: There are lots of different medications that people with RSD can be placed on. These include anti-inflammatories that can reduce the pressure being placed on the nerve and opioid or narcotic medications that can be used to target the pain receptors. Remember that these medications do have an addictive potential so they should be used with caution.
  • Nerve-Stimulation: There is also a role for electric nerve stimulation in the treatment of RSD. This involves placing a needle into the affected area and stimulating the nerve with a small electric current. This can help to quiet the pain response and blunt the signals coming from the nerve.
  • Surgery: In severe cases, surgical transection of the impacted nerve can be helpful in managing symptoms of this disease. While this may sound scary, it has proven beneficial in the treatment of severe cases of RSD.

An often overlooked aspect of RSD treatment is the role of physical therapy and exercises that can help restore function and mobility to an affected limb. There are specific exercises that can prove helpful.

Exercises can Help with the Treatment of RSD

When someone is undergoing physical therapy for the treatment of RSD, there are a lot of different exercises that they might perform. While these may be painful in the beginning, it is important to push through because these can be very beneficial in the management of their symptoms. Examples of some of the exercises that they might perform include:

  • Flexibility Training: This is important because it will reduce the stress on the muscles when they are being used. If the muscles are stressed, the nerves send this signal to the brain. This is how people can tell that their muscles are feeling tight; however, someone with RSD may instead feel pain. Improving flexibility will reduce the stress on the muscles and reduce the pain that they feel.
  • Range of Motion: Range of motion exercises are very important in the treatment of RSD because they help to restore the mobility and functionality of an affected limb. When someone doesn’t use a limb for a prolonged period of time, this limb becomes stiff. Range of motion exercises can help to remove the feeling of stiffness and can help people learn how to use an affected limb in a functional way.
  • Strength: Muscle strength is important because this will remove some of the stress from the nerves themselves. The more work the muscles are able to do, the less stressed the nerves will feel. This means that there will be fewer signals coming from the nerves, improving someone’s symptoms.

Ultimately, managing RSD is a team approach. Those with questions or concerns should meet with an experienced RSD attorney in Sacramento.

Related Articles by Ed Smith

Contact an Experienced RSD Attorney in Sacramento

I’m Ed Smith, an RSD Lawyer in Sacramento. If someone you know has been having trouble treating a diagnosis of Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy, please call me at (916)-382-0693. I am available to provide friendly, free legal advice.

Everyone is asked to look at my sample results here.

Image Citation: Pixabay hosted the image at the start of this page. The CC0 Creative Commons License has granted permission to show it here.

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Occupational Therapy for RSD

Occupational Therapy for RSD

Occupational Therapy for RSD

There are many pressing issues facing the healthcare system in this country today, and one of the most widespread problems that people visit the doctor for is chronic pain. While some may view chronic pain as a relatively minor issue, this could not be further from the truth. According to information that has been published by the National Institutes of Health (NIH):

  • The number of people who suffer from chronic pain in the United States is more than the number of people who suffer from diabetes, heart disease, and cancer put together
  • In a survey, more than half of all adults in the United States (126 million) reported experiencing pain in the last three months
  • Millions of these people reported that they felt their pain on a daily basis
  • Close to 5 million reported their pain as severe

One of the many different conditions that can cause chronic pain is called Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD), which is also referred to as Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS). The individuals who suffer from this chronic condition often have an inciting traumatic injury. This could be an auto accident, a slip an fall injury, or even something as seemingly minor as a sprained ankle. Examples of traumatic injuries that might lead to this conditions include:

  • Bone fractures, such as those of the wrist, upper arm, or ankle
  • A burn injury, such as that from an open flame or chemical
  • Blunt trauma, such as a crush injury

There are severe consequences of this chronic pain condition that can impact every facet of someone’s life. Therefore, the care and management of someone with this condition should involve a variety of medical specialists and healthcare professionals from all different fields. One field that is particularly helpful is occupational therapy.

Difficult Returning to Work with RSD: Occupational Therapy

One of the biggest challenges of managing a diagnosis of RSD is the inability to return to work. Many people experience extreme symptoms with RSD, such as:

  • Pain flares that make it challenging to get out of bed
  • Worsening symptoms with changes in temperature, precipitation, and climate
  • A hypersensitivity to touch
  • Pain that gets worse with movement

It is easy to see how this pain can make it difficult to move. Academic sources have reported that up to two-thirds of individuals who have been diagnosed with RSD suffer from motor impairments that are related to chronic pain. Examples of problems that people have with motor function can include difficulties walking, writing, and carrying objects. This can make it hard for people to return to work. Sometimes, these movements are limited by swelling. Other times, these movements are inhibited by contractures of the muscles, or muscles that are so tight that they cannot move. In some situations, people may even suffer from tremors. For help with these movements, meeting with an occupational therapist is a good idea. These therapists are trained to help people return to work, school, and perform work around the house. Occupational therapists have access to tools that are specifically designed to help people return to their baseline level of functioning. Do not hesitate to ask for a referral to OT (occupational therapy).

Help from a Trained Legal Professional

Ultimately, it is clear that RSD is a major burden on not only the individual but also their family. Therefore, it is important for people to seek care from not only doctors but also ancillary care, such as physical and occupational therapy. An occupational therapist has the tools necessary to help someone return to work and provide for their family. Furthermore, meeting with a legal professional can also be helpful. An RSD Attorney in Sacramento has seen the type of stress that RSD can cause a family. It is important for a trained legal adviser to investigate every detail of this diagnosis because you and your family might be entitled to financial compensation.

Related Articles by Ed Smith

Contact an Experienced RSD Attorney in Sacramento

I’m Ed Smith, an RSD Lawyer in Sacramento. If someone you know needs additional treatment options for Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy, please call me at 916-382-0693. I am available to provide friendly, free legal advice.

Everyone is asked to look at my sample results here.

Image Citation: Pixabay printed the photograph at the start of this page. The CC0 Creative Commons License has granted permission to reproduce it here.

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Immersion Therapy in the Treatment of Children with RSD

Immersion Therapy in the Treatment of Children with RSD

Immersion Therapy in the Treatment of Children with RSD

Chronic pain is one of the most pressing problems facing the modern healthcare system today. While there has been increased attention paid to chronic pain, especially in the wake of the opioid epidemic, chronic pain in children deserves just as much attention. No parent ever wants to see their child in pain and, unfortunately, this is one of the most neglected issues. According to a research paper recently published in the Journal of Palliative Care:

  • As many as 40 percent of children and adolescents report pain that happens on a weekly basis
  • Between 15 and 20 percent of children are impacted by chronic pain
  • Pediatric pain is more common in girls than boys

One of the reasons why children may suffer from chronic pain is from a disease called Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD), also known as Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS). People with this disease have a chronic illness that impacts the nerves in one or more of their extremities. This pain is always in the background but can wax and wane, possibly reaching a point that is so severe that they may not even be able to get out of bed. There are lots of different treatment options available, including:

  • Anti-inflammatory medications
  • Opioid medications, such as Vicodin and Percocet
  • Nerve injections
  • Electrical stimulation therapy
  • Surgical transection of the affected nerves

What happens when none of these options work? A recent study exploring immersion therapy in children may provide a novel alternative.

Immersion Therapy for Children with RSD: Virtual Reality

Several children who were confirmed to have RSD by the diagnostic criteria were enrolled in a study. The children were seated and provided an immersive virtual reality device that showed various images. The headset, chair, and floor provided various stimuli such as images, audio, and vibrations. The participants controlled an avatar by moving their limbs. For example, if the child made a kicking motion, their avatar would kick. The children completed multiple therapy sessions lasting for about 30 to 60 minutes and were given various tasks to complete. Based on the study, the children completed about 96 percent of their requested activities. Their statistics show that virtual reality had a positive impact on their pain scores. While this study was small, the results merit a larger study with more participants to see if virtual reality and immersion therapy can become a mainstay in the treatment of Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy.

The Future: Treatment Options

Managing RSD can be hard, particularly when the patient is a child. It can be tough to find treatments that work, especially when children won’t sit still for injections or refuse to take their medications. The children in this study found virtual reality fascinating and, hopefully, as this technology continues to develop, studies can be completed that find virtual reality exercises that are tailored to RSD in specific areas of the body. This type of technology can help pediatric patients maintain long-term motivation to treat their pain.

Related Articles by Ed Smith

Contact an Experienced RSD Attorney in Sacramento

I’m Ed Smith, an RSD Lawyer in Sacramento. If someone you know has children suffering from Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy, please call me at 916-382-0693. I am available to provide friendly, free legal advice.

Everyone is asked to look at my sample results here.

Image Citation: Pixabay hosted the image at the start of this page. The CC0 Creative Commons License has granted permission to show it here.

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The Budapest Criteria: Establishing a Diagnosis

The Budapest Criteria: Establishing a Diagnosis

The Budapest Criteria: Establishing a Diagnosis

Over the past few decades, there has been a lot of medical research that has yielded new diagnostic and treatment options for dangerous diseases and deadly injuries, leading to many lives saved. Unfortunately, some serious problems, such as chronic pain, have not seen the same advances. While many people think of chronic pain as something that impacts the elderly, this is also a major problem in children. According to a study published in a journal called Children, and found in the PubMed research study database:

  • About a quarter to a third of all children worldwide have experienced severe pain at some point in their lives
  • More than 10 percent of all children who have been treated in a hospital setting have shown symptoms consistent with chronic pain
  • Around 3 percent of children who have developed chronic pain have required intensive rehabilitation to help them manage their symptoms
  • Chronic pain involving children costs the healthcare system of the United States about $20 billion each year

These statistics demonstrate that chronic pain can impact children as well as adults. One of the conditions that can cause someone to suffer from chronic pain is called Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD), also known as Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS). Those who suffer from this disease are often frustrated because they only receive this diagnosis after a battery of unsuccessful tests, incorrect diagnoses, and (in some cases) hospital stays. Therefore, it is important for everyone to understand what the diagnostic criteria are. This will help people receive the correct diagnosis sooner.

The Budapest Criteria: Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy and the Proper Diagnosis

The Budapest Criteria is the set of criteria that are needed to diagnose someone with RSD. The Budapest Criteria are as follows:

  • Pain that continues for some time after the traumatic accident and is out of proportion to the original injury
  • Lacking a diagnosis that better explains the symptoms
  • Having a symptom in three of the following four areas:
  1. Sensory: Hypersensitivity to touch
  2. Vasomotor: Issues with temperature, color, or asymmetry of the affected limb
  3. Edema: Development of unusual sweating or swelling of the affected limb
  4. Motor: A loss of range of motion, weakness, tremor, contractures, or changes in the hair, nails, or skin of the limb.

These criteria were derived from a research study of around 700 patients who had already been diagnosed with RSD. Over the subsequent years, these criteria have proven to be accurate in quickly and efficiently diagnosing people with this challenging chronic pain condition. The faster someone can be diagnosed with RSD, the sooner treatment can begin. This can make a significant difference in the progression of their symptoms and their quality of life.

After the Diagnosis: Treatment Options

Once someone has been diagnosed with RSD, treatment can begin. The treatment of RSD is multifaceted and is dependent on finding something that will work for the individual patient and their family members. Examples of possible treatment options include:

Oral Pain Medications: This means starting low and going slow. Tylenol and Ibuprofen are often tried first because these have limited side effects and target the inflammation that causes the symptoms. If this doesn’t work, narcotic and opioid medications such as Vicodin and Percocet can be tried. Because these have addictive potential and dangerous side effects, the use of these medications is minimized.

Nerve Injections: Nerve injections involve identifying the specific nerve that is causing the pain (through electromyography, abbreviated EMG) and then injecting this nerve with a dose of an anesthetic, such as lidocaine. If successful, this can provide patients with weeks to months of pain relief before another injection is given.

Surgery: In extreme cases, surgery can be used to physically cut the nerve that is causing the symptoms. This can cause a permanent loss of motor and sensory function, so this is reserved for severe cases; however, for those with intractable pain, this could be the only option.

A Legal Professional is Helpful

Ultimately, receiving the proper treatment is dependent on finding the right diagnosis. The Budapest Criteria can help patients, and medical providers reach this point. Treating RSD is dependent on a well-rounded approach with numerous healthcare providers and medical specialists. In addition to this, meeting with an RSD attorney in Sacramento can be helpful as well. The circumstances surrounding the accident and the diagnosis of RSD deserve to be examined to ensure that no detail has been overlooked. Help is available and all anyone needs to do is ask for it. You and your family could be entitled to receive financial compensation if your injury was caused by the negligence of another.

Related Articles by Ed Smith

Contact an Experienced RSD Attorney in Sacramento

I’m Ed Smith, an RSD Lawyer in Sacramento. If someone you know needs legal assistance with their diagnosis of Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy, please call me at 916-382-0693. I am here to provide friendly, free legal advice.

Everyone is asked to look at my sample results here.

Image Citation: Pixabay produced the image at the start of this article. The CC0 Creative Commons License has granted permission to print it here.

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