Suicidal Ideation in RSD Patients

Suicidal Ideation in RSD Patients

Suicidal Ideation in RSD Patients

Over the past few years, mental health has become a significant focus of modern society and its healthcare system. This has been driven by a campaign to reduce the stigma surrounding mental health, psychiatric conditions, and addiction while increasing the resources that are available to those who suffer from these horrible diseases. The recent number of celebrity deaths by suicide has led to an increased awareness of the symptoms that these individuals must have experienced. For those who suffer from Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD), also called Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS), mental health is a real issue. According to a research paper which was recently published in Investigative Psychiatry, some of the statistics related to chronic pain and suicidal ideation include:

  • About a third of individuals who suffer from chronic pain have suicidal thoughts at some point in their life
  • Around one out of every five people who suffer from Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD) contemplate suicide
  • Between 5 and 10 percent of those who suffer from this disease will attempt suicide at some point in their life

These statistics highlight just how serious this disease can be. Because of the severity of the symptoms related to RSD, people need to know about the risk factors related to suicidal ideation in people with RSD.

Risk Factors for Suicidal Ideation in Patients with RSD

Mental health issues are some of the most significant complications of RSD. A recent research study was conducted to analyze a group of individuals who had been diagnosed with RSD. The hope was that risk factors related to suicidal ideation could be identified. The average age of the individuals in the study was 36. About 80 percent of them were diagnosed with RSD type 1. The risk factors related to suicidal ideation, based on the study, are:

  • Loss of ability to engage in activities they used to find joy in
  • A loss of appetite
  • Difficulty sleeping at night
  • Social isolation
  • A feeling of a lack of support from those around them

These results should show everyone just how important it is to rely on family and friends for help. It can prevent suicidal thoughts from setting in.

Professional Mental Health Counseling 

With these results in mind, it is vital for anyone who is having thoughts of suicide to seek help from a mental health professional. Meeting with a psychiatrist can help those with mental health problems figure out why they feel this way and manage their thoughts and emotions. For individuals with RSD, meeting with a counselor is a good idea even if people feel okay. It might prevent mental health problems from developing.

Help From A Legal professional

When someone has been diagnosed with Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy, they could be feeling despair. They might be looking for help managing the many stressful issues that come up with this syndrome. Families who are looking for help should meet with an experienced RSD Lawyer in Sacramento if the negligence of someone else caused their injury. Speaking with a legal professional can help a family assess all of the options that are available to them.

Related Articles by Ed Smith

Contact an Experienced Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Attorney in Sacramento

I’m Ed Smith, an RSD Lawyer in Sacramento. If you or a family member has developed this painful condition, please give me a call at 916-382-0693 for free, friendly advice.

See our sample results here.

Image Citation: The picture from the start of this page can be seen on Pixabay. The CC0 Creative Commons License has allowed its reproduction here.

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RSD and the Family Impact

RSD and the Family Impact

RSD and the Family Impact

I’m Ed Smith, an RSD Lawyer in Sacramento. Living with chronic pain can be an overwhelming ordeal. Pain impacts people at their core and can create a significant amount of emotional distress. For people living with Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD), also known as Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS), they do not have to wonder what this is like. People living with this disease have a problem with the nerves that impact one of their limbs. These nerves misfire and these signals get crossed. The brain interprets these signals as pain. This pain can create a number of emotional issues. According to multiple studies published in the PubMed database:

  • RSD is one of the most painful diseases, with patients reporting pain scores on the McGill scale that average a 42 out of a possible 50 points
  • Studies have estimated that people living with RSD almost universally experience symptoms of depression
  • Various studies have reported that between 20 and 40 percent of people living with RSD have thought about suicide
  • About 10 percent of individuals living with RSD have attempted suicide

It is easy to see how devastating RSD can be for an individual. One of the issues related to the pain from RSD is the impact that this disease has on someone’s family members as well. When a loved one has RSD, it can be difficult to see them in such severe pain. They could be unable to return to school, work, or help with chores around the house. Because of this, it is important to explore the impact that RSD can have on someone’s family.

RSD: An Impact on the Family

Chronic diseases such as RSD can have a tremendous impact on the family. Because the symptoms include chronic pain, the visual of this disease can be jarring. Important ways that this disease can impact a family’s quality of life include:

  • The individual could be forced to give up any form of gainful employment because of the disease
  • The individual may be unable to give up activities that they previously found joy in
  • Someone with RSD may be unable to mow the lawn, do laundry, cook, or clean

It is easy to see how this disease can create problems for a family. The ultimate result of this could be both financial and social strain. Because of these problems, it is important for families to anticipate the psychological stress and act preventatively. Some of the strategies that a family may find helpful include:

  • Do not allow RSD to dominate the conversation in the household. Try to focus on the positives.
  • Quickly figure out which distraction techniques help to take an individual’s mind off of the pain.
  • Figure out what sorts of triggers lead to an RSD pain flare and act to avoid them.
  • Meet with a counselor or mental health professional regularly, as a family, to prevent the development of emotional or mental health issues.

Remember, the treatment of RSD is a family effort, and everyone should be involved in the management of this syndrome.

A Legal Professional can Help

The impact that Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD) can have on a family should not be overlooked. Managing this serious disease is a team effort. Between work, school, and chores around the house, the family will feel the impact of having a loved one with RSD. It is natural to feel stressed and to look for support elsewhere. Because of this, meeting with a caring and compassionate RSD Lawyer in Sacramento can be helpful. Some families may be wondering how they are supposed to select a lawyer and could be tempted by the ads on TV that promise glorious results. It is important to note that nobody can truly promise any certain verdict or settlement; however, I can promise that if you decide to work with me, I will place your interests ahead of my own. While I do hope that you choose me to represent you and your family, it is important for you to find a lawyer who understands your needs. Please, call today with any concerns.

Related Articles by Ed Smith

Contact an Experienced RSD Attorney in Sacramento

I’m Ed Smith, an RSD Lawyer in Sacramento. If you or a family member has developed this painful condition, please give me a call at 916-382-0693 for free, friendly advice.

See our sample results here.

The picture from the top of this page can be found on Pixabay. The CC0 Creative Commons License has allowed its reproduction here.

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