Medication Pump Implant for RSD

Medication Pump Implant for RSD

Countless families across the country have a loved one who suffers from chronic pain. This pain can come in many forms. For some people, it could be a constant, dull ache in a joint. For others, the pain might be so severe that they are unable to think about or focus on anything else. Unfortunately, chronic pain is far more common than many people realize. According to some of the information that was recently published by the American Academy of Pain Medicine:

  • There are more than 100 million people across the United States who live with chronic pain
  • This pain impacts more people than diabetes, heart disease, and cancer put together
  • Annually, the United States’s healthcare system spends about $600 billion on chronic pain
  • About one out of every five Americans live with pain that disrupts their sleep on a regular basis

This information is heartbreaking and demonstrates just how serious of a problem chronic pain can be. Some people live with chronic pain due to Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy, which is often called Complex Regional Pain Syndrome. Individuals who live with this illness often deal with some of the worst pain imaginable on a daily basis. Because of this, it is important to understand where this illness comes from and what different treatment options are available.

Causes of RSD

RSD is a disease of the nerves that supply motor and sensory function to one of the limbs. When these nerves are damaged, they are unable to process electrical signals properly. As a result, the brain gets confused and interprets these signals as pain. Often, RSD is triggered by a traumatic accident. Examples include:

  • A slip and fall injury that occurs on the steps, sidewalk, or at work
  • A serious motor vehicle accident
  • Even a serious infection can lead to RSD

People who have been diagnosed with RSD often live in severe pain that can make it hard to go to work or attend school. Fortunately, there are treatment options that are available.

Treatment Options for Pain Management

The cornerstone of RSD treatment centers around pain management. The pain that accompanies RSD can be particularly severe. Therefore, treatment approaches must be well-rounded and comprehensive. Some of the options include:

  • Anti-inflammatory medications such as Tylenol and Motrin are crucial
  • Stronger pain medications such as Vicodin and Lortab are often needed
  • Sometimes, electrical nerve stimulation can prove helpful as well

In some cases, these medical therapies are not enough. Therefore, individuals and their loved ones should know that other options are available.

A Medication Pump can be Implanted

One of the newer treatment options that individuals living with RSD could find helpful is a medication pump implant. This is also referred to as an intrathecal pump. One of the problems with typical medicines is that they help for a little while but, unfortunately, fade away. The pain returns until another dose of pain medication is given. An intrathecal pump is placed surgically. It is filled with pain medication. This pump gradually administers pain medication at a constant rate, helping to avoid the ups and downs of traditional pain medicines. Of course, these medications do have their side effects. Therefore, the rate of the pump needs to be monitored closely. People with RSD should speak with their doctor about getting a medication pump implanted. Where else can families turn to for help?

Contacting a Lawyer

RSD is a serious disease and individuals with chronic pain deserve help. Often, the first place people turn to is their family and friends. Different questions could come up, such as:

  • How did I contract an illness like RSD in the first place?
  • What are the different treatment options that are available?
  • How will this impact my ability to go to work or attend school?
  • Is there something that could have been done differently to prevent this illness?
  • Who is available to help myself and my loved ones?

Every family deserves to have help during their time of need. Individuals who are facing a diagnosis of RSD should contact an experienced RSD attorney in Sacramento. It is vital to review all of the options that are available. Do not be afraid of asking for help because you and your family could be entitled to financial compensation.

Contact an RSD Attorney in Sacramento

I’m Ed Smith, an RSD Attorney in Sacramento. If you or someone you know is looking for more options for pain management for Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy, please contact me at (916) 382-0693. I am willing to provide free, friendly advice to anyone who asks.

I am proud to be a part of the Million Dollar Advocates Forum.

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