RSD on the Cellular Level

RSD on the Cellular Level

RSD on the Cellular Level

I’m Ed Smith, an RSD Lawyer in Sacramento. One of the most important issues facing modern society today is the management of chronic pain. Over the years, there have been many new tools to help people deal with pain crises and quality of life issues related to their symptoms; however, this problem impacts more people than cancer, heart disease, and diabetes. Many people use opioid medications to manage their pain. This is actually one of the most common ways that people alleviate their symptoms; however, the opioid epidemic is a very real issue facing the health care system and its patients. According to the FDA:

  • About a quarter of individuals who are prescribed opioid medications misuse them in some way
  • About 10 percent of individuals who take these medications will develop a dependence on their medications.
  • Around 5 percent of individuals who misuse their opioid medications will eventually use heroin
  • Opioid overdoses have increased by about a third over the past year
  • Opioid overdoses have been the worst in large cities, jumping by more than half

For people who struggle with chronic pain, such as those suffering from Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD), also known as Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS), it is vital to look for alternative treatment options. This means trying to increase our understanding of this disease in order to find new solutions. Recently, a paper was published examining how RSD develops and producing its symptoms on a cellular level.

A Research Study: RSD on the Cellular Level

A study was published in the Journal of Integrative Neuroscience which took a look at the inner working of RSD. The study looks at individuals who suffer from chronic pain, including those who deal with RSD. Specifically, they analyzed people who have difficulty managing pain related to this disease. They conducted a literature review, detailed laboratory experiments, and an analysis of certain biomarkers. What they found was that individuals who have chronic pain have sensors in their spinal cord that have become hyper-sensitized. This means that these receptors, located on the dorsal horn of the spine, respond more readily to pain signals. This is called central sensitization. This sensitization comes about as a result of the increase in the numbers of glutamate receptors. This jump, over the long-term, causes the brain to interpret an increase in the amount of pain in a certain region of the body. This is called long-term potentiation and impacts the amygdala and the hippocampus, two regions of the brain. Because of this understanding, chronic pain treatment should focus on the reversal of central sensitization. This may prove to be more effective and have fewer side effects than long-term opioid use.

Help from a Legal Adviser

When someone is struggling with chronic pain from an RSD diagnosis, the quality of life issues can be devastating. This can make it hard for someone to do their job, go to school, and even help with chores around the house. For help with these issues, it is prudent to meet with an RSD Lawyer in Sacramento. Meeting with a lawyer can help a family review all of the legal options that are available to them. While families may be wondering how to select a lawyer to work with, the most important thing to remember is to find a lawyer who understands your injury.

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Contact an Experienced RSD Attorney in Sacramento

I’m Ed Smith, an RSD Lawyer in Sacramento. If you’ve been injured in an accident and have a diagnosis of Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy, please contact me at 916-382-0693. I am available to share friendly, free legal advice.

Everyone is asked to look at my sample results here.

Image Citation: Pixabay hosted the photograph at the start of this page. The CC0 Creative Commons License has yielded permission to show it here.

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