The Impact of RSD on the Immune System

The Impact of RSD on the Immune System

The Impact of RSD on the Immune System

The Impact of RSD on the Immune System. There has been a tremendous influx of money into the health care system recently. This has given rise to a number of new diagnostic and treatment tools for people with illnesses that previously had no hope of improvement. Despite the new research, there are still certain problems that weigh down the health care system, its providers, and families everywhere. One of these is chronic pain, which has an almost endless array of causes. One of the most overlooked diseases is called Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD), which has also been called Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS). This disease has contributed to the epidemic of chronic pain. Some of the statistics on pain which have been published by the National Institutes of Health (NIHinclude:

  • There are more than 20 million people in this country who rate their pain as “severe.”
  • More than 50 percent of adults in this country have experienced “severe” pain at some point in their life.
  • Those who have “severe” pain are much more likely to visit their primary care provider, use the emergency room, and be admitted to the hospital.
  • A significant proportion of people with “severe” pain still rate their overall health as “good.”

This information shows that there are people in this country who experience pain and still believe that they are in a good state of overall health. Unfortunately, chronic pain from RSD can still have a detrimental impact on the immune system, leading to recurrent infections.

Chronic Pain and the Immune System: RSD and CVID

People who have been diagnosed with RSD have been shown to have a higher chance of having an immunodeficiency called Common Variable Immunodeficiency (CVID). Someone with this disease is at greater risk of developing recurrent infections. The body has problems producing antibodies that fight off infection. Because of this, viruses and bacteria can infect the body and cause symptoms more easily. People with CVID have low levels of immunoglobulins which predispose people to develop recurrent infections of the eyes, ears, nose, throat, and lungs. What may cause a cold in most people could progress to a full-blown, severe infection such as pneumonia. Because of this, it is important for everyone with RSD who develops recurrent symptoms to be examined by a trained medical professional.

Prevention of Recurrent Infections: Treatment with immunoglobulins

If someone has been diagnosed with CVID along with RSD, it is vital to know that there are treatment options available. People can receive regular infusions of immunoglobulins to boost their immune system and fight off recurrent infections. Infusions of immunoglobulins help the body develop antibodies to these infections. Then, the white blood cells can target the antibodies and destroy these invaders. This can help people recover faster, stay at work or in school, and maintain their quality of life.

Help from a trained Legal Adviser

Someone who is suffering from RSD could develop recurrent infections. This could place them in the hospital, leading to a large amount of stress. Sources of stress include:

  • Chronic pain straining relationships with family members
  • Logistical issues related to recurrent medical visits and hospital admission
  • Problems related to coverage of medical costs
  • Issues with maintaining gainful employment

Because of this, it is important for everyone to meet with an experienced RSD attorney in Sacramento to ensure that all aspects of the disease have been examined. You and your family could be deserving of financial compensation.

Contact an Experienced RSD Attorney in Sacramento

I’m Ed Smith, an RSD Attorney in Sacramento. If you or a family member has developed an immunodeficiency marked by recurrent infections after being diagnosed with Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy, please give me a call at (916) 382-0693. I am happy to provide free, friendly advice with anyone who is in need.

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The photo from the beginning of this post was found first on Pixabay. The Creative Commons License has granted permission to print the image at this site/ The Impact of RSD on the Immune System.

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