Treatment of an RSD Pain Flare

Treatment of an RSD Pain Flare

Treatment of an RSD Pain Flare

I’m Ed Smith, an RSD Lawyer in Sacramento. There are many chronic diseases and conditions and most are never mentioned, let alone discussed and researched. One such example is Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD), also known as Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS). For those who may not know, this is a syndrome that impacts the nerves that feed on one or more parts of the body. For those who have this condition, these nerves become inflamed. This leads to chronic pain that can become intractable. According to the American Academy of Pain Medicine:

  • There are millions of people living with RSD in the United States
  • The most common symptom of this disorder is chronic pain
  • Chronic pain impacts more people in this country than cancer, heart disease, or diabetes
  • The average age of a diagnosis of RSD is 40
  • This disease impacts women at three times the rate of men

While chronic pain is the most common symptom of RSD, there are others that people might experience. Examples include difficulty with mobility, loss of sleep, issues with the appearance and texture of the hair and nails along the impacted limb, and other sensory issues. Occasionally, the symptoms of RSD could get worse for a period of time. This can be extremely debilitating for someone who already deals with chronic pain. This is called a pain flare. It is important for not only those afflicted with the disease but also their friends and family to know how to treat a pain flare when it arises.

Treatment of an RSD Pain Flare

An RSD pain flare is a period during which the pain related to Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy becomes significantly worse. For someone who already deals with severe, daily pain, this flare can become almost unmanageable. Several strategies can be used to manage a pain flare. These include:

Deep Breathing: People experiencing a pain flare should start by using some deep breathing. This can help relax the body and give the nerves a chance to calm down.

Massage: Massages have also been used to help people who are struggling with a pain flare. Targeted relaxation of the affected limb can prove useful in times of severe pain.

Medication: When the top two suggestions don’t work, many people with RSD reach for their “as-needed” pain medication. While some people are reluctant to use such strong medicine, this is an appropriate time to consider it.

Nerve Stimulation: For people with pain flares that occur often, electrical nerve stimulation can be helpful. This can help “reset” the nerves and calm the pain related to a flare.

a Personal Injury Lawyer May be able to help

When pain flares prohibit someone from working, attending school, or helping around the house, it may make it difficult for a family to make ends meet. When this happens, meeting with an RSD Lawyer in Sacramento can be helpful. If you have suffered this injury as a result of an accident due to the negligence of someone else, you may be entitled to financial compensation.

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Contact an Experienced RSD Attorney in Sacramento

I’m Ed Smith, an RSD Lawyer in Sacramento. If you or someone you know struggles with pain flares from Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy, please call me at (916) 382-0693.

Take a moment to look at my sample results here.

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