Joint Stiffness with RSD

Joint Stiffness with RSD

Joint Stiffness with RSD

Joint Stiffness with RSD. There are a lot of chronic medical problems that impact people as they age. One of the most common is arthritis. For those who don’t know, arthritis occurs when the cartilage that lines the joints becomes eroded. The point of this cartilage is to cushion the joints as the bones move across each other. Without this cartilage, pain results from the bones rubbing against each other. This leads to inflammation and joint stiffness. Some of the statistics that have been published by the Arthritis Foundation include:

  • There are about 50 million people in the United States living with arthritis
  • This is close to 20 percent of the population
  • The most common type of arthritis is called osteoarthritis

There are a lot of causes of joint stiffness and arthritis. One of these is Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD). As a disease that is marked by severe, intractable, chronic pain, it often leads to significant quality of life issues. The joint stiffness that accompanies RSD can make it difficult for people to go about their daily life. What are some of the treatment options for this?

Joint Stiffness from RSD: Where Does it Come From?

When someone develops RSD, they often suffer from chronic pain. This comes from damage to the nerves that supply the extremity. This can make it hard for people to use this extremity. As a result, the muscles deteriorate and can create joint stiffness. Symptoms include:

  • Pain on movement of the extremity
  • A loss in the range of motion
  • Trouble walking, writing or lifting objects

This joint stiffness is a serious quality of life issue, and people need to know about the different treatment options that are available.

Treatment Options for Joint Stiffness

There are a few treatment options that people with joint stiffness can try. These include:

  • Pain control using both anti-inflammatory medications and, possibly, narcotics or opioids
  • Physical therapy to strengthen the muscles in that extremity
  • A range of motion exercises and stretching to keep the muscles and flexibility intact
  • Regular exercises such as biking, running, hiking, and swimming

In some cases, surgery may be an option. This is advisable for people who have debris that builds up in their joints. For more information on this, it is important to see a trained medical professional. Where else can people turn to for help?

Living with RSD

People who live with RSD often have difficulty managing their daily life. The pain can range from annoying on a good day to unbearable on a bad day. Some of the complications that might arise include:

  • Difficulty holding down a job or attending school
  • Trouble managing doctors’ appointments
  • Damaged relationships with family and friends
  • Financial problems related to employment and health insurance

Because of these problems, everyone who has a loved one suffering from RSD should speak to a caring RSD attorney in Sacramento. Make sure that the case is reviewed thoroughly because you and your loved ones may be entitled to financial compensation.

Contact an RSD Attorney in Sacramento

I’m Ed Smith, an RSD Attorney in Sacramento. If you or a family member has been suffering from joint stiffness due to Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy, please give me a call at (916) 382-0693. I would be happy to share free, friendly advice with people in need of assistance.

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The picture from the start of this article was found at Pixabay. The CC0 License has given permission to print the image at this site/ Joint Stiffness with RSD.

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