Attending School with RSD

Attending School with RSD

Attending School with RSD

Chronic pain is a problem that can impact people of all ages. For those living with chronic pain, every day is a struggle. Some days, it may only be a nagging annoyance residing in the back of one’s mind. Other days, the pain could be so intractable that it feels like it may never stop. Sometimes, the people living with chronic pain are children. A disease called Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD), also known as Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS), impacts people of all ages. Even though the average age of those diagnosed with this disease are between 30 and 40 years of age, school-aged children can be diagnosed with RSD. Ways that children might develop this disease include:

  • A trip and fall injury on the stairs
  • An injury sustained while playing sports
  • Being injured riding a bicycle or skateboard
  • Suffering a traumatic injury in a car accident

When children are diagnosed with RSD, this can impact the life of the entire family. Attending school with chronic pain, such as that of RSD, can be a major struggle. Because of this, it is important for parents and their children to understand some of the important points related to RSD and school attendance.

Going to School with RSD: Children

For a child who attends school with RSD, there are a number of issues that might arise. A recent survey was conducted of school-aged children who live with RSD. Some of the greatest challenges that students voiced include:

Being Believed: One of the students reported that teachers believe he suffers from Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis and simply needs to “loosen up.” They don’t believe the constant pain that he is in.

Focus: Because of the pain, students can have trouble focusing on their work. This can lead to poor school performance. One of the students reported that he is always in pain, making it hard to focus on work.

New Normal: One student reported that he fought his diagnosis for years and refused to accept it. He has been having trouble adjusting to a “new normal.” Now, he focuses on trying to push himself physically and mentally, having accepted his diagnosis.

Friends: Students with this disease are often picked on because they don’t “look sick” despite the pain. It is important for parents and children to make the school aware of the disease so that they can prepare for the problems that will come.

Because students with RSD are both unique in their school and may miss an extended period of time, parents must make the school aware of their child’s diagnosis. Ask the schools to prepare an online system, such as Blackboard, where students can avoid falling behind if they have to stay home for an extended period of time. Parents should be prepared to produce evidence of their child’s diagnosis, a treatment plan, and anticipation of any missed days. In response to such proactive behavior from a family, schools will often be supportive and helpful for a child with a such a severe diagnosis.

Help From A Legal Adviser

When children have been diagnosed with RSD, the impacts on a family can be significant. Some parents may wonder if their child is ever going to be able to complete their education. Other parents may consider giving up their careers to take care of a child in need. This can create complex legal issues which a legal adviser can help with. I hope you decide to contact an experienced RSD Lawyer in Sacramento, such as myself. I have experience helping families with RSD and would be honored to share my services with you.

Related Articles by Ed Smith

Contact an Experienced Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Attorney in Sacramento

I’m Ed Smith, an RSD Lawyer in Sacramento. If you or a family member has developed this painful condition, please give me a call at 916-382-0693 for free, friendly advice.

See our sample results here.

Image Sourcing: The image from the beginning of this article can be found on Pixabay. The CC0 Creative Commons License given permission to show it here.

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RSD in an Auto Accident: A Case Report

RSD in an Auto Accident: A Case Report

RSD in an Auto Accident: A Case Report

For those who may not know, Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD), also known as Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS), is a serious disease that impacts millions of people all over the world. This disease often starts following a serious accident or traumatic injury, which leads to nerve damage feeding one of the limbs. The nerves send crossed signals to the brain, which are interpreted as pain. Because of this, one of the hallmark symptoms of this syndrome is an intractable pain. A recent research study which was published in the Journal of Pain explored the cases of a few dozen individuals with RSD. Some of the common triggers that they found include:

  • Job-related accidents
  • Personal injuries
  • Motor vehicle accidents

These injuries can happen to anyone at any time. Even though the average age of someone who is diagnosed with RSD is around 30 to 40 years of age, this disease can develop in children and the elderly. One of the most common ways that someone develops RSD is through an auto accident. Almost everyone knows someone who has been involved in a car crash if they haven’t been in one themselves. Therefore, it is important to analyze just how this disease can impact someone who is involved in a motor vehicle accident.

A Case Report: RSD in an Auto Accident

A 58-year-old female was driving her car down the road when she was involved in an auto accident. Another vehicle pulled out in front of her, and the two collided. At the time of the accident, emergency medical personnel were called to the scene. She had sustained a significant injury to her left leg and was transported to a local medical center. Her injuries were treated, and she was sent home. Unfortunately, the pain never went away, and she continued to seek medical care for her injuries. Sadly, the medical professional believed that she had some sort of other motive. For people with RSD, this is common. Some people believed that she simply had anxiety. Other professionals thought she was looking for pain medication. For this individual, it took her more than three years to finally receive her diagnosis. Eventually, she was labeled disabled and was able to receive disability benefits. For these three years, she struggled to find someone who would believe her. It is important for everyone to listen to individuals who complain of chronic pain. For them, the fight is real, and they are only looking for help.

Help From A Legal Adviser

Because many cases of RSD result following a traumatic accident or injury of some kind, it is important for everyone who has been diagnosed with Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy to thoroughly investigate the circumstances around their diagnosis. For help with this, an experienced RSD Lawyer in Sacramento can be a valuable guide. I would be happy to help you and your family explore all of the details related to your accident and ensure that nothing is left unexplored. Please, count on me to represent you and your interests. I would be honored to represent you.

Related Articles by Ed Smith

Contact an Experienced Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Attorney in Sacramento

I’m Ed Smith, an RSD Lawyer in Sacramento. If you or a family member has developed this painful condition, please give me a call at 916-382-0693 for free, friendly legal advice. When your injury was caused by someone’s negligent or careless actions you may be entitled to file a claim to recover compensation for your losses.

See our sample results here.

Image Sourcing: The image from the start of this article can be found on Pixabay. The CC0 Creative Commons License has allowed it to be shown here.

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RSD on the Cellular Level

RSD on the Cellular Level

RSD on the Cellular Level

I’m Ed Smith, an RSD Lawyer in Sacramento. One of the most important issues facing modern society today is the management of chronic pain. Over the years, there have been many new tools to help people deal with pain crises and quality of life issues related to their symptoms; however, this problem impacts more people than cancer, heart disease, and diabetes. Many people use opioid medications to manage their pain. This is actually one of the most common ways that people alleviate their symptoms; however, the opioid epidemic is a very real issue facing the health care system and its patients. According to the FDA:

  • About a quarter of individuals who are prescribed opioid medications misuse them in some way
  • About 10 percent of individuals who take these medications will develop a dependence on their medications.
  • Around 5 percent of individuals who misuse their opioid medications will eventually use heroin
  • Opioid overdoses have increased by about a third over the past year
  • Opioid overdoses have been the worst in large cities, jumping by more than half

For people who struggle with chronic pain, such as those suffering from Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD), also known as Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS), it is vital to look for alternative treatment options. This means trying to increase our understanding of this disease in order to find new solutions. Recently, a paper was published examining how RSD develops and producing its symptoms on a cellular level.

A Research Study: RSD on the Cellular Level

A study was published in the Journal of Integrative Neuroscience which took a look at the inner working of RSD. The study looks at individuals who suffer from chronic pain, including those who deal with RSD. Specifically, they analyzed people who have difficulty managing pain related to this disease. They conducted a literature review, detailed laboratory experiments, and an analysis of certain biomarkers. What they found was that individuals who have chronic pain have sensors in their spinal cord that have become hyper-sensitized. This means that these receptors, located on the dorsal horn of the spine, respond more readily to pain signals. This is called central sensitization. This sensitization comes about as a result of the increase in the numbers of glutamate receptors. This jump, over the long-term, causes the brain to interpret an increase in the amount of pain in a certain region of the body. This is called long-term potentiation and impacts the amygdala and the hippocampus, two regions of the brain. Because of this understanding, chronic pain treatment should focus on the reversal of central sensitization. This may prove to be more effective and have fewer side effects than long-term opioid use.

Help from a Legal Adviser

When someone is struggling with chronic pain from an RSD diagnosis, the quality of life issues can be devastating. This can make it hard for someone to do their job, go to school, and even help with chores around the house. For help with these issues, it is prudent to meet with an RSD Lawyer in Sacramento. Meeting with a lawyer can help a family review all of the legal options that are available to them. While families may be wondering how to select a lawyer to work with, the most important thing to remember is to find a lawyer who understands your injury.

Related Articles by Ed Smith

Contact an Experienced RSD Attorney in Sacramento

I’m Ed Smith, an RSD Lawyer in Sacramento. If you’ve been injured in an accident and have a diagnosis of Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy, please contact me at 916-382-0693. I am available to share friendly, free legal advice.

Everyone is asked to look at my sample results here.

Image Citation: Pixabay hosted the photograph at the start of this page. The CC0 Creative Commons License has yielded permission to show it here.

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Manual Therapy is Helpful in the Treatment of Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy

Manual Therapy is Helpful in the Treatment of Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy

Manual Therapy is Helpful in the Treatment of Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy

I’m Ed Smith, an RSD Lawyer in Sacramento. For people who live with chronic pain, every day can be a challenge. Some days, the pain may be a nagging feeling ever present in the back of the mind. Other days, the pain could feel like an avalanche that prevents people from getting out of bed. One of the diseases that can cause chronic pain, called Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD) or Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS), is often overlooked by medical professionals. For those who have this disease, the symptoms may include:

  • Chronic, intractable pain in one or more limbs
  • Changes in the texture or growth of the hair or nails
  • Changes in the sensation of temperature and pressure in the affected limb
  • Hypersensitivity to touch
  • An increased risk of mental health disorders, such as depression

Some of the statistics related to Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy include:

  • Women are impacted by RSD more often than men
  • The average age at which people are diagnosed with this disease is around 40
  • There are between two and six million people living with this disease in the United States
  • This disease impacts 26 out of every 1,000 people in the United States

Because of the severity of these symptoms, it is important for everyone with this disease to take a comprehensive approach in its treatment. While much of the treatment focuses on the use of pain medication or nerve stimulation, it is important to think about more conventional treatment options as well. One recent research study focused on the role of manual therapies in the treatment of RSD. The results of the study have significant implications in the treatment of RSD.

A Research Study: Manual Therapies in the Treatment of RSD

A research study was recently published in the Journal of Physiotherapy exploring people who had been diagnosed with RSD in their lower extremities. Patients received multiple lumbar spine massage sessions per week spread out over 3-4 months. Their improvement was measured by both a disability index and a functional use index. Over the course of 12-20 weeks, individuals had their symptoms rated on both scales. By the end of the study, all patients had shown a significant improvement in both their disability and function. This study shows that, in addition to conventional medical therapies, manual therapies, such as massage, can play an important role in the treatment of RSD. Individuals impacted by this disease should strongly consider employing massage therapy as part of their treatment regimen. It could lead to a significant improvement in their quality of life.

Help from a Legal Adviser with RSD

While it is important for everyone with RSD to find the most appropriate medical care for their disease, it is just as important to seek help from professionals outside of healthcare. When a family struggles with RSD, they can feel a significant amount of stress from issues related to work, school, and even insurance claims. For help with this, meeting with an experienced RSD Lawyer in Sacramento is a good idea. There are many attorneys to choose from, and families may not know how to go about choosing the right legal adviser for them. While I do hope that you decide to work with me and my team, it is important for you to find an attorney who listens to your concerns and represents your interests. Please, feel free to call me with any questions or concerns.

Related Articles by Ed Smith

Contact an Experienced RSD Attorney in Sacramento

I’m Ed Smith, an RSD Lawyer in Sacramento. If someone you know is looking for additional treatment options for Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy, please call me at 916-382-0693. I am available to provide friendly, free legal advice.

Everyone is invited to look at my sample results here.

Image Citation: Pixabay hosted the photograph at the start of this page. The CC0 Creative Commons License has yielded permission to show it here.

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Intrathecal Drug Delivery Systems and the Treatment of RSD

Intrathecal Drug Delivery Systems and the Treatment of RSD

Intrathecal Drug Delivery Systems and the Treatment of RSD

I’m Ed Smith, an RSD Lawyer in Sacramento. Chronic pain is one of the pressing issues facing the healthcare system today. According to the American Pain Association, more people suffer from chronic pain than those who suffer from heart disease, cancer, or diabetes. Because of this, the treatment of chronic pain is a focus of the modern healthcare system. One of the diseases that can cause chronic pain is called Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD), also called Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS). Those who have RSD struggle with chronic pain that comes from inflammation of the nerves. This disease can be caused by anything from a twisted ankle to a severe crush injury. There are several treatment options for those who have this disease, such as:

  • Anti-inflammatory medications such as Tylenol and Motrin
  • Narcotic and opioid medications for particularly severe cases
  • Therapeutic Electronic Nerve Stimulation (TENS) therapy
  • Surgical transection of the affected nerves

Even though there are several different treatment options, many people still struggle with chronic pain on a daily basis. The impact of this pain can cause people to have trouble getting out of bed in the morning, let alone go to school, work, or take care of their children. Because of this, individuals with this disease and their physicians should always be on the lookout for different treatment options. One such treatment option, called intrathecal drug delivery, was explored for individuals with RSD in a recent research study.

Intrathecal Drug Delivery as a Treatment Option for Chronic Pain

A research study was published in 2015 in the journal of Neuromodulation that explored the role of intrathecal injections for chronic pain treatment, including RSD. For those who may not know, an intrathecal medication is one that is administered through the spine. Because the spinal cord plays a major role in motor and sensory function, the thought is that medications administered via the spine may be effective in treating pain. In the study, individuals who received intrathecal medication were compared with those who did not. Individuals who received intrathecal medication attended follow-up visits every six months for 36 months total. By 36 months, those receiving intrathecal medication injections showed significant improvement in their activity, mood, sleep, and quality of life. This study serves to highlight the potential benefit of intrathecal medications in the treatment of RSD. Furthermore, those who receive intrathecal medications may experience fewer side effects than those taking oral opioid medications. This can lead to a significant improvement in someone’s quality of life.

Role of a Legal Adviser in RSD

In addition to medical treatment, it is important for people with RSD to consider meeting with an experienced legal professional. For the many families who struggle with RSD following a traumatic accident, it is important to have the circumstances of the injury investigated. Furthermore, families may have trouble dealing with the ancillary issues that arise with an RSD diagnosis. This could include getting medical treatment covered, filing for disability and simply filling out the mountain of paperwork. For help with these issues, consider meeting with an RSD lawyer in California. If you decide to go with my team and me, I promise to work as hard as I can to represent your family and your interests. Please, contact me today with any questions or concerns. I would be honored to represent you.

Related Articles by Ed Smith

Contact an Experienced RSD Attorney in Sacramento

I’m Ed Smith, an RSD Lawyer in Sacramento. If someone you know is looking for additional treatment options for Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy, please call me at 916-382-0693. I am available to provide friendly, free legal advice.

Everyone is invited to look at my sample results here.

Image Citation: Pixabay hosted the photograph at the start of this page. The CC0 Creative Commons License has yielded permission to show it here.

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Changes in Brain Connectivity Related to Chronic Pain

Changes in Brain Connectivity Related to Chronic Pain

Changes in Brain Connectivity Related to Chronic Pain

I’m Ed Smith, an RSD Lawyer in Sacramento. Despite a large number of advances made in the healthcare field over the past few decades, there are still significant, everyday problems that plague the medical system.

While heart disease, diabetes, and obesity are pressing issues, no problem is more common than chronic pain. People who suffer from chronic pain are often required to take daily medication that may do little more than taking the edge off. They may also struggle with a significant stigma that still inappropriately surrounds people who suffer from chronic pain. According to statistics that were published by the American Academy of Pain medicine:

  • More than 25 percent of people in the United States over the age of 20 reports that they have had pain lasting more than 24 hours
  • This number is over 75 million people
  • More than half of people with chronic pain reported that they experienced pain while taking their pain medication
  • Almost two-thirds of individuals stated that this pain impacted their daily life
  • Almost everyone said that this pain made it hard to sleep

Pain has an impact on the level of enjoyment that people feel in their life.

One of the diseases that cause chronic pain is called Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD), also known as Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS). While much of the treatment of this disease has focused on the medication used to control pain, it is important to explore alternative options. This is because people still report having breakthrough pain attacks while taking opioid medication. Recently, a research study was published looking at how the neuronal connections in the brain change while someone is dealing with chronic pain from RSD or CRPS.

Results of a Research Study

Recently, a medical study was completed and published in the Pain Physician Journal that analyzed the changes in brain connectivity, use, and function that happen in individuals who experience chronic pain. In the study, individuals were identified who suffered from chronic pain syndromes, such as RSD and CRPS. The researchers used MRI scans to analyze changes in their brain structure and function. MRI is a common imaging technique that is used in individuals who suffer from brain tumors, traumatic brain injuries, and strokes. An MRI can also be used to track the flow of blood throughout the brain. Individuals in the study received MRI scans, and the flow throughout their brain was compared to that of otherwise healthy individuals. The researchers found that people who suffer from chronic pain had significant changes in the flow patterns of blood throughout their brains. Regarding individuals who suffered from RSD, increased blood flow was noted throughout the region of the brain called the anterior cingulate in addition to the amygdala, caudate, and putamen. Because blood carries oxygen and nutrients, this indicates that this area of the brain is more active than other parts and that this area of the brain is more active in individuals with RSD than the average population.

Implications for the Future

Because this study shows that individuals who have chronic pain from RSD have changes in the activity levels of certain areas of their brain, it is important for physicians and researchers to figure out why. If the activity in these areas of the brain is increased due to pain activity, perhaps treatments can target these areas of the brain. Bringing the activity level of this area of the brain back to baseline could prove to be an effective pain treatment for those with this disease. Furthermore, it may also present an alternative treatment for those whose pain medications aren’t providing adequate management of their symptoms.

Help from a Legal Professional

When someone has been diagnosed with Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy, it is important to seek the most appropriate medical care available. After this, meeting with an experienced RSD Lawyer in Sacramento can be helpful. A trained and caring lawyer has numerous tools at his or her disposal that can significantly improve a family’s quality of life. While it can be difficult to choose an attorney, it is important that you find someone who listens to your concerns and represents your needs. While I cannot promise or guarantee any specific result or outcome, I can promise that I will work tirelessly for you and your family. Please, call me today with any concerns. I am happy to help.

Related Articles by Ed Smith

Contact an Experienced RSD Attorney in Sacramento

I’m Ed Smith, an RSD Lawyer in Sacramento. If someone you know is looking for new or alternative treatment options for Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy, please contact me at 916-382-0693. I am willing to provide friendly, free legal advice.

Everyone is asked to look at my sample results here.

Image Citation: Pixabay hosted the photograph at the start of this page. The CC0 Creative Commons License has yielded permission to show it here.

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The Triggers of RSD

The Triggers of RSD

The Triggers of RSD

One of the greatest challenges facing the modern healthcare system today is chronic pain. People who deal with chronic pain are often labeled as “weak” or “pain-seeking.” Therefore, many people, including healthcare professionals, don’t want to have anything to do with this patient population. On the other hand, these people are dealing with real symptoms that deserve the empathy and the attention of the entire community. One of the diseases that can lead to chronic pain is called Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD), also known as Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS). In this disease, individuals are afflicted with a variety of symptoms, including:

  • Chronic, severe pain which has been described as a burning, shooting, or electrical pain
  • Hypersensitivity to touch in the affected limb
  • Changes in the perception of pressure and temperature in the affected limb
  • Problems related to changes in the texture and growth of their hair and nails
  • Individuals have even reported changes in the texture and color of their skin

This severe disease can cause individuals to miss time from school and work. It can even make it difficult for people to perform daily activities around the house. According to a recent study published on the PubMed/NCBI database:

  • About 26 out of every 100,000 people develop RSD on an annual basis
  • On the McGill pain scale, the pain of RSD rates as a 45 out of 50
  • This pain rates higher than an unexpected, traumatic amputation of a finger or toe!

Clearly, this is a serious disease that must be better understood. Recently, a study was conducted to determine some of the common triggers of RSD.

Bone Fractures: A Common RSD Trigger

A study was published in the Journal of Burns and Trauma to figure out what some of the most common triggers of RSD are. In the study, they analyzed the rate of RSD following a bone fracture. According to their statistics, they found:

  • One of their studies found that 8 percent of individuals developed RSD symptoms following a wrist fracture
  • 30 percent of people developed RSD following a fracture of their tibia
  • Between 28 and 36 percent of people developed RSD following a Colles’ fracture
  • 15 percent of people developed RSD after an ankle fracture
  • A fracture of the fifth metatarsal led to the development of RSD in 3 percent of people

Clearly, bone fractures have a high rate of RSD development and the location of this fracture is important. While these studies were performed on relatively small populations, the numbers are impossible to ignore. What are some of the ways that people can fracture these bones?

Mechanisms of Injury and RSD Development

There are a few common ways that people sustain these types of injuries. Examples of common ways that people develop RSD include:

Work-Related Injuries: Some people develop RSD as a result of injuries sustained on the job. This could be as minor as a twisted ankle or a serious injury sustained in a construction accident.

Car Accidents: People also sustain injuries in an auto accident. A serious accident can lead to multiple bone fractures, such as the ones discussed above; however, even an accident with relatively minor contusions could lead to RSD.

Personal Injury: Individuals can also develop RSD following a personal injury at home. A slip and fall injury or a slide down the stairs could lead to nerve damage and inflammation, which ultimately leads to RSD. No injury is too big or small to lead to the development of this severe disease.

Treatment Options for RSD

When someone has been diagnosed with RSD, it is often at the end of a battery of tests and incorrect diagnoses spreading out over several years. They may feel like there is no hope of recovery; however, there are several options. Many people are able to manage their symptoms with anti-inflammatory medications, such as ibuprofen. Others who need help for RSD flares rely on intermittent opioid or narcotic medications. For those who hesitate at the thought of taking pills, there is also therapeutic electric nerve stimulation, abbreviated TENS. This has proven effective for many people with severe symptoms. Those who have particularly severe symptoms should also consider surgery. Transection of the affected nerves can prove to be a definitive treatment. Anyone with questions about the surgical options for RSD should meet with their doctor to learn more.

Help From A Personal injury lawyer 

Clearly, Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD) can be caused by a wide variety of accidents. For some individuals with this disease, they may never figure out what the cause of their syndrome truly is. Therefore, it is important to speak with an experienced RSD Lawyer in Sacramento. If you have been injured in an accident because of someone’s negligent actions and you have developed RSD, please contact me for free, friendly legal advice.

Related Articles by Ed Smith

Contact an Experienced Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Attorney in Sacramento

I’m Ed Smith, an RSD Lawyer in Sacramento. If you or a family member has developed this painful condition, please give me a call at 916-382-0693 for free, friendly legal advice.

See our sample results here.

Image Sourcing: The picture from the beginning of this article can be seen on Pixabay. The CC0 Creative Commons License allows the picture to be shown on this page.

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Emotional Issues Related to RSD

Emotional Issues Related to RSD

Emotional Issues Related to RSD

I’m Ed Smith, an RSD Lawyer in Sacramento. Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD), commonly referred to as Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS), is a very complex disease that is often overlooked by the mental health community. Many don’t realize that this is a devastating disease. It impacts millions of people all over the world. The disease is often triggered by a traumatic event that can range in severity from the smallest scratch to the largest of car accidents. This trauma damages the nerves in an area of a person’s body and causes the nerves to misfire. This can lead to a variety of symptoms, most notably chronic pain, that can be difficult for someone with RSD to manage. According to studies published in the PubMed database:

  • RSD can impact anyone from elementary school children all the way into adulthood
  • The most common age for people to be diagnosed with RSD is around 30 years old
  • The number of people living with RSD in the United States has been estimated to be between 1.5 and 6 million
  • RSD is more common in women than in men

The medical issues related to RSD such as the chronic pain, changes in nail growth, and issues related to hair texture can be debilitating; however, the mental health problems are not to be overlooked. These can be just as challenging for individuals to manage and can impact their families as well.

Mental Health Issues and RSD

Because of the chronic pain that people with RSD have to manage, their quality of life can be significantly decreased. This comes from the inability to go to work, attend school, and provide for their family. Furthermore, individuals with RSD may even feel like they are a burden on their family. According to a recent study of individuals dealing with RSD published in Investigative Psychiatry:

  • People with RSD attempt suicide at a rate that is significantly higher than the general population
  • Of people with RSD, about 30 percent of individuals have thoughts of committing suicide
  • Around 10 percent of these individuals have attempted to commit suicide
  • The vast majority of individuals with RSD have symptoms of depression

These numbers are heartbreaking and should clearly demonstrate that living with RSD can cause a variety of mental health issues. These emotional problems can significantly impact the individual and their loved ones, which is why seeking professional care is important.

Seeking Professional Care

There is a significant shortage of mental health professionals in this country; however, individuals with RSD should see their primary care provider for a referral to a mental health professional. Even if it seems as though they feel “fine,” it can still be beneficial. It can help blunt some of the quality of life issues related to RSD and may be able to prevent the development of depressive symptoms. A mental health professional has both medication and non-medication therapies that can prove helpful in the management of a chronic disease. The most effective way to manage mental health disorders is to prevent them from taking root in the first place. A trained medical provider can help make this a reality.

Help from a Legal Professional

The emotional issues related to RSD are not to be overlooked. It can lead to mental health issues in not only the affected individual but also their family and friends. These rifts can make it hard to keep a household functioning and damage relationships with loved ones. For help in times such as these, meeting with a seasoned RSD lawyer in Sacramento can be helpful. You may have trouble figuring out how to find the lawyer that is right for you. This is normal. The most important thing to remember is that you should find a lawyer who understands your problems, your needs, and can effectively place you in the right position to be successful. Please, call me today if you would like to learn more.

Related Articles by Ed Smith

reach out to an Experienced RSD Attorney in Sacramento

I’m Ed Smith, an RSD Lawyer in Sacramento. If you have been injured due to another person’s negligence and that injury resulted in RSD, please give me a call at (916) 382-0693. I would be happy to share free, friendly legal advice.

Check out my sample results here. This will give you an idea about some of the outcomes I have obtained for my past clients.

Pixabay first put up the original image found at the start of this page. The CC0 Creative Commons License has granted permission to reproduce it here.

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Electrical Nerve Stimulation for RSD

Electrical Nerve Stimulation for RSD

Electrical Nerve Stimulation for RSD

I’m Ed Smith, an RSD Lawyer in Sacramento. One of the most pressing issues facing healthcare today is the number of people living with chronic pain. For those who don’t know, chronic pain is a long-term feeling of discomfort that will not go away. According to statistics from the American Academy of Pain Medicine, more people are living with chronic pain than there are living with diabetes, cancer, and heart disease put together. There are many reasons why someone may have chronic pain, and one of these is from a disease called Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD), also known as Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS). Some of the symptoms and signs of RSD that people may manifest include:

  • Skin that is excessively dry, cracked, or wrinkled
  • Feelings of numbness or tingling in the affected limb
  • Nails that become brittle, damaged, or even change in color
  • Difficulty moving, flexing or extending the muscles
  • Intense, burning, shooting pain in the affected limb

It is this chronic pain that often makes RSD too painful to bear. There are several treatments that one may use to try and manage the pain. Some people see a massage therapist regularly while other people may elect to try pain medication. Others may even turn to regular nerve blocks to try and blunt the discomfort. One of the treatments that people can also try is called electrical nerve stimulation.

Treatment of RSD with Electrical Nerve Stimulation

RSD can lead to many complications; however, the most common is the development of chronic pain. This pain comes from the continued misfiring of nerves in the affected limb. Nerves carry motor signals from the brain to the limb and sensory signals in the opposite direction. These sensory signals help the brain interpret pressure, temperature, and pain. When these nerves misfire, the brain interprets these signals as pain, leading to the discomfort that people feel. For this reason, treatment of pain related to RSD has centered around the nerves. One of the treatments that have shown promise is electrical nerve stimulation. By using electrical nerve stimulation, the nerves are essentially overloaded with electricity. The brain has trouble interpreting the overload in the nerves and fails to perceive the overload as pain. This can provide symptom relief for individuals who have struggled to manage their pain with other types of therapy. The treatment is called Therapeutic Electrical Nerve Stimulation, or TENS, and people with RSD should ask their doctor if TENS treatment is right for them.

Help from a Sacramento RSD lawyer

Many ancillary issues could arise when someone struggles with RSD. People may need to get at home health professionals to help them manage their disease. Others may have symptoms so severe that they need to miss an extended amount of time from work. Health insurance companies may hesitate to cover the cost of medical care related to RSD. In times of stress, meeting with an RSD lawyer in Sacramento can be helpful. A trained legal adviser can help a family assess all of their options and decide on the most appropriate course of action. Please contact us today with any questions; we would be happy to help.

Related Articles by Sacramento RSD Attorney, Ed Smith

Contact an Experienced RSD Attorney in Sacramento

I’m Ed Smith, an RSD Lawyer in Sacramento. If someone you know is looking for additional treatment options for Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy, please call me at (916) 382-0693. I am available to provide friendly, free legal advice.

Check out my sample results here.

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Treatment of an RSD Pain Flare

Treatment of an RSD Pain Flare

Treatment of an RSD Pain Flare

I’m Ed Smith, an RSD Lawyer in Sacramento. There are many chronic diseases and conditions and most are never mentioned, let alone discussed and researched. One such example is Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD), also known as Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS). For those who may not know, this is a syndrome that impacts the nerves that feed on one or more parts of the body. For those who have this condition, these nerves become inflamed. This leads to chronic pain that can become intractable. According to the American Academy of Pain Medicine:

  • There are millions of people living with RSD in the United States
  • The most common symptom of this disorder is chronic pain
  • Chronic pain impacts more people in this country than cancer, heart disease, or diabetes
  • The average age of a diagnosis of RSD is 40
  • This disease impacts women at three times the rate of men

While chronic pain is the most common symptom of RSD, there are others that people might experience. Examples include difficulty with mobility, loss of sleep, issues with the appearance and texture of the hair and nails along the impacted limb, and other sensory issues. Occasionally, the symptoms of RSD could get worse for a period of time. This can be extremely debilitating for someone who already deals with chronic pain. This is called a pain flare. It is important for not only those afflicted with the disease but also their friends and family to know how to treat a pain flare when it arises.

Treatment of an RSD Pain Flare

An RSD pain flare is a period during which the pain related to Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy becomes significantly worse. For someone who already deals with severe, daily pain, this flare can become almost unmanageable. Several strategies can be used to manage a pain flare. These include:

Deep Breathing: People experiencing a pain flare should start by using some deep breathing. This can help relax the body and give the nerves a chance to calm down.

Massage: Massages have also been used to help people who are struggling with a pain flare. Targeted relaxation of the affected limb can prove useful in times of severe pain.

Medication: When the top two suggestions don’t work, many people with RSD reach for their “as-needed” pain medication. While some people are reluctant to use such strong medicine, this is an appropriate time to consider it.

Nerve Stimulation: For people with pain flares that occur often, electrical nerve stimulation can be helpful. This can help “reset” the nerves and calm the pain related to a flare.

a Personal Injury Lawyer May be able to help

When pain flares prohibit someone from working, attending school, or helping around the house, it may make it difficult for a family to make ends meet. When this happens, meeting with an RSD Lawyer in Sacramento can be helpful. If you have suffered this injury as a result of an accident due to the negligence of someone else, you may be entitled to financial compensation.

Related Articles by Ed Smith

Contact an Experienced RSD Attorney in Sacramento

I’m Ed Smith, an RSD Lawyer in Sacramento. If you or someone you know struggles with pain flares from Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy, please call me at (916) 382-0693.

Take a moment to look at my sample results here.

Pixabay hosted the image at the start of this page. The CC0 Creative Commons License has granted permission to show it here.

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